Ofertas de venta
Detalle de la empresa
SunOpta | |
Denominación | Señor |
Apellido | Hendrik |
Nombre | Rabbie |
Función | |
Dirección | 2027 North Pacific |
Dirección2 | |
Ciudad | Santa Cruz |
Código Postal | 95060 |
País | Paises Bajos |
Teléfono | 2037510989 |
Fax | 831-685-6550 |
Detalle de la oferta
Bebidas sin alcohol (agua, zumo de frutas, verduras, bebidas de cereales, soja) | |
Descripción | Pacific Fruit Products (PFP) is a manufacturer of value-added fruit products with a focus on fruit-based ingredients for the dairy, bakery and beverage industries. PFP offers custom-formulated fruit-based ingredient solutions, providing unique flavor and texture profiles for a wide range of specialized applications. Pacific Fruit Products is a SunOpta Company operating from a 60,000 square foot facility that houses organic, conventional and aseptic processing capabilities, dry and frozen warehousing space and laboratory facilities. Sales of organic fruit ingredients represent 25% of current company volume. State-of-the-art research and development capabilities are integral to Pacific's continuing success and a key ingredient in Pacific's reputable quality and customer service. |
Categoría | Bebidas |
Nombre del producto | |
Fecha de actualización | |
Anónima | 0 |
Packaging | |
Condiciones de expedición | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
País de origen | Paises Bajos |
Certificación | Other |
Fecha de obtención de la certificación | |
Condicionamiento | |
Fecha límite de consumo | 0000-00-00 |
Fecha límite de venta | 0000-00-00 |