Trouver un vendeur de Fruits legumes bio
L'annuaire Greentrade
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We are organic certified Israeli Exporters and work in cooperative with organic, certified growers.
We are interested to enter the market with fresh organic produce
AD,FD,IQF carrot,beet,broccoli,califlower,leek,pumpkin,potato,tomato,green cabbage, red cabbage,green beans,parsley,garlic,celery,coriander,shallot,onion,bellpepper,radish,spiach,green peas,brussel sprout......strawberry,apple,pear,lingonberry,blueberry,blueberry,blackcurrant,blackberry,sweetberry,rosehip,wild kiwi.
Ramiro Peppers
We are EcoCert certified for some of us
We produce papayas, pineapples, bananas, mangos dried and fresh.
Onions var. Grano, also peeled. Big-bags or 10kg nets with Bio-label
Delivery Perpignan palets 1100 Kgs.
Grade A sacs PP de 12 ,5kg net (pour garder les fleurs entières)
Autres: sacs PP de 25 kg net ou selon demande du client
Quantité par conteneur
Grade A
Maxi 7 MT par 40\'
Grade B
6 MT par conteneur 20\'
12 MT par conteneur 40\'