Press release

Organic Africa back in Germany

– Organic Africa Pavilion at BioFach

At BioFach 2009 in Nuremberg , Germany there will again be an Africa Pavilion where visitors will enjoy African designs, colours, sounds and flavours. More than a hundred exporters, national organic movements and export promotion agencies will showcase the specialities from the Sub-Sahara Africa countries. For the participants it is a chance to display their products and to link up with interested buyers and colleagues. For the buyers it is an opportunity to make contacts with professional suppliers.

There will be about 35 stands with 120 exhibitors in the whole Pavilion from 14 African countries. Countries represented are: Burkina Faso ; Ethiopia ; Kenya ; Madagascar ; Namibia ; Nigeria ; Rwanda ; Senegal ; Sierra Leone ; South Africa ; Tanzania ; Uganda ; Zambia and Zimbabwe .

The Pavilion will also serve as a hub of information on activities and services of different importers, trade promotion agencies, consultancies, NGO’s and certifiers. It will offer an opportunity for exhibitors to exchange information and contacts with relevant businesses from all over the world.

2008 was the first time in the history of the BioFach that African organisations were exhibiting their products in one Pavilion of this size. It was a big success with 73 exporters exhibiting from thirteen African countries. The event generated a lot of media attention and undoubtedly resulted in an improved image of Africa as a supplier of organic products.

Products exhibited are:

Cashew nuts; cereals; cocoa; coconut oil; coffee; cotton; dairy; dried fruit; essential oils; organic fertilizer; flowers; fruits; spices; groundnuts; herbs; hibiscus, honey; wax; macadamia; natural products; oilseed; processed food; pulses; rice; sesame; shea butter; spices; tea and vegetables.

The organisers plan to have an African Pavilion again next year and hope to host even more African countries. If all goes well Africa could be the BioFach Continent of the year in 2011.

For more information:

For photos of 2008:


Overall coordination: Kari Örjavik;

Press contact: Gerbert Rieks;

For Africa Pavilion logotype: [11kb] [917kb]

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