Ofertas de venta
Detalle de la empresa

Denominación | Señor |
Apellido | Ranga |
Nombre | nathan |
Función | Marketing |
Dirección | 81-duraisamynagar, |
Dirección2 | |
Ciudad | Tirupur |
Código Postal | 641 652 |
País | La India |
Teléfono | 91 9943135918 |
Fax | 91 4296 276655 |
Detalle de la oferta
Ropa | |
Descripción | e are textile Manufacturing and Exporting Company specializing in ORGANIC TEXTILES and other eco-friendly products. We have made organics lively and colourful. All our organic products are certified by INTERTEK as per GOTS (Global Organic Textiles Standards.) We place emphasis on both environment and health. We continually research and develop lively and fashionable products which also meet the eco-friendly and health criteria. We also specialise in developing and manufacturing private-label textile products. Our efforts to provide eco-friendly products are continuous. Our 100% organic cotton products rank among the top of eco-friendliness. |
Categoría | Textil |
Nombre del producto | |
Fecha de actualización | |
Anónima | 0 |
Packaging | |
Condiciones de expedición | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
País de origen | La India |
Certificación | Other |
Fecha de obtención de la certificación | |
Condicionamiento | |
Fecha límite de consumo | 0000-00-00 |
Fecha límite de venta | 0000-00-00 |