Ofertas de venta
Detalle de la empresa
Finca La Nava | |
Denominación | Señor |
Apellido | Jose |
Nombre | Carmona |
Función | |
Dirección | Postas, 23 - 4B |
Dirección2 | |
Ciudad | CIUDAD REAL |
Código Postal | 13001 |
País | Espana |
Teléfono | +34 696460604 |
Fax | +34 926 693056 |
Detalle de la oferta
Otras especias condimentos | |
Descripción | We grow organic potatoes of excellent flavour. We've fried our potatoes into a simmering vessel of pure extra virgin olive oil adding a bit of Mediterranean sea salt. We're happy to share with you the unique taste of this hand cooked potato CRISPS. PRODUCT TECHNICAL INFO 1. PRODUCT NAME Bio chips gourmet 2. INGREDIENTS Potatoes, Olive extra virgin (nativ extra), salt. Ingredients written in: Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian 3. CERTIFICATE Organism: ECOCERT-SOHISCERT (ES-CM-01-AE) Operator: Productos Biológicos de Daimiel, S.L. Eco Industry Register Number: CM-156-I Sanitation Register (food safety) Number: 26.01370/CR Printed in the bag UE seal and German seal (BioSiegel) 4. TRACKABILITY Beside to the bar code it is printed the geographic coordinates of the land where the potatoes and oil were grown, With an Internet map program it can be seen the area in your computer screen. 5. PACKAGES Pack type: Aluminum metal/plastic bags Weight per bag: 100 grm Best before period: 180 days 6. PACKING Cardboard boxes: 30x40x25 cm Units per box: 12 Net weight per box: 1,2 Kgs Pallet type: 1,20x0,80 cm (European) Boxes per level: 8 Levels: 8 (4 in a 1/2 pallet) Total boxes per pallet: 64 (32 in 1/2 pallet case) |
Categoría | Especias condimentos |
Nombre del producto | |
Fecha de actualización | |
Anónima | 0 |
Packaging | |
Condiciones de expedición | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
País de origen | Espana |
Certificación | Other |
Fecha de obtención de la certificación | |
Condicionamiento | |
Fecha límite de consumo | 0000-00-00 |
Fecha límite de venta | 0000-00-00 |