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Rhododendron adamsii has been mentioned in three Tibetan medical treatises as adaptogenic, stimulating and tonic plant. It considered that leaves and flowers of this plant possess the magic power to grant to a man vitality, to strengthen workability and bearability, to improve the potency. It has been applied when chronic diseases accompanying with general decline of living powers, headaches, sleeplessness, exhaustion.
In folk medicine of Russia and indigenous tribes of Eastern Siberia Rhododendron adamsii still uses to cure heart, nervous and stomach illnesses, and also as diuretic, sweating and lowering fever measure. So broad application of a plant is connected with belief that it acts immediately on the human body as whole system.
we are producer for :
apple venigar
lime juice
aluvera distealed water
chamomile distilled water
salix distilled water
walnut leaf distilled water
thickrose distilled water
wiled choicory distiled water
maytree distiled water
savory distild water
mint distilled water
fennel distilled water
and ...
ciboulette Méline,aneth,sauge,marjolaine,thym,persil plat,persil frisé,coriandre,romarins,
In order to get full control in the whole process we established our own ginger processing factory. The ginger processing factory is operational since the autumn of 2014. The total storage capacity is around 3.000 MT in three separate cold stores. The washing line is full automatic and can process two MT an hour. Fifty percent of the water usage is saved because of the installation of a water recycling system. All the installed equipment is brand new and sustainable in terms energy and water consumption.
Processed fresh ginger is mainly exported to Europe to provide our customers with pallets or full container loads. The juice industry has more and more demand for organic ginger juice. A lot of new drinks are mixed with ginger juice so the demand is growing rapidly. The fresh ginger is processed into juice in a specialized factory in the Netherlands. After processing the juice is bottled in drums and 20 KG bag in box packaging for the industry to make blends. Pure organic ginger juice is bottled in jars for the retail and food service market.
From our storage in The Netherlands we are able to serve our customers worldwide.
In the near future we will also start with organic ginger puree and frozen dices.
Damask Rose
3 x 200 litres
200 litres 1000 EUR (50 EUR per litre) net price
The goods are located in Innsbruck, Austria in a
bonded warehouse.
We offer dried and powder akuamma seed from Africa. Please kindly let us know if you are interested in our product.