November 2014

BIOFACH 2015:experience and enjoy vegan organic food

· First VEGAN World of Experience at BIOFACH presents vegan lifestyle

From trend to experience! What started as the VEGAN trend category on the Novelty Stand at BIOFACH 2014 becomes the VEGAN World of Experience from 11–14 February 2015, when this celebrates its premiere in hall 6 of the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. The event is organized in cooperation with the German vegetarian society VEBU (Vegetarierbund Deutschland). Some 100 exhibitors will present their products in the VEGAN World of Experience at the World’s leading Trade Fair for Organic Food. BIOFACH visitors can then get to know the variety of the vegan lifestyle and vegan food. Cooks give ideas for the trade and for out-of-home catering at cookery shows and tasting sessions. The spectrum of topics ranges from gastronomy, certification, regional, seasonal food, urban gardening and organic vegan farming to baking, raw food, superfoods and consumer protection. 2,200 exhibitors – 200 of them at the International Trade Fair for Natural Personal Care – and about 42,000 trade visitors are expected at the BIOFACH and VIVANESS exhibition duo in 2015.

Seven million people in Germany lead a vegetarian way of life, 900,000 of them are vegans. BIOFACH in cooperation with VEBU, Berlin (D), is organizing the VEGAN World of Experience for the first time. About
100 manufacturers will present vegan organic products there. The World of Experience offers scope for talks with experts and B2B networking. The VEBU business team will be available with many experts on the veggie market to offer visitors marketing expertise. An overview of the current market situation and a look at the needs of the target group make the VEGAN World of Experience interesting for all those who ask themselves what customers with vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian lifestyles want from the market.

Initiatives and organizations, including the Vegan Society of Birmingham (GB), present the diverse facets of a vegan life. Readings, a book lounge, panel discussions and brief presentations show the visitors the whole spectrum of vegan lifestyle and nutrition.

Vegan at home, vegan to go and vegan out-of-home catering

Vegan food is not only playing an increasing role in private kitchens and dining rooms, but also out of the home. For example, a well-known American coffee chain has offered its customers a range of vegan snacks since 2014. There are meanwhile veggie restaurants in every medium-sized town.In Berlin alone there are currently 30 vegan catering firms compared with 12 in 2011. The number has more than doubled within three years. Similar developments can also be observed in other cities and communities all over Germany.There is also a growing interest in vegan food in bulk catering. The Sustainable Bulk Catering advisory platform of VEBU, provides regular advice for canteen cooks and caterers. More than 60 workshops and presentations have already been held in 2014. Andreas Schneider, Director Sustainable Bulk Catering: “Many examples show that the food offered changes on completion of training, when more vegetarian and vegan dishes are available for the guests. Our workshops attract a lot of interest: The demand for healthy veggie dishes is growing steadily. Sustainable Bulk Catering has more than ten training cooks and can offer training throughout Germany”.

Press and media contact for BIOFACH:

Barbara Böck, Helen Kreisel-Gebhard, Ellen Damarowski

Tel +49 (0) 9 11. 86 06-83 28

Fax +49 (0) 9 11. 86 06-12 83 28

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