Organic North presents Nordicorganic production at the BioFach

Finland and Sweden have joined forces under the theme Organic North at the BioFach World Organic Trade Fair. BioFach will be held on 2009 in Nuremberg Germany. Organic North presents contemporary Nordic organic production and services. The Finnish Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Mrs. Sirkka-Liisa Anttila will attend the exhibition on February and will open the Finnish joint stand on 19 February at 11.45.

I am delighted to have the opportunity to promote Finnish organic production at the BioFach Fair. Finnish organic products are reliable, ethically produced and fully traceable items which are safe to consume. Essential for the future of organic products is efficiency of the food chain as well as the common goals of sector actors says Minister Anttila.

We need professional and innovative people to produce and develop new products and services in order to constantly improve the quality of Nordic Organic Sector. I’m convinced that organic production will be one of the future success stories of Finnish food industry says Anttila.

Organic Action Plan under preparation

Organic Action Plan is under preparation in Finland and the work has been funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The action reflects the rapidly growing importance of organic production and the public demand for organic products.

5% is certified organic and 7 million hectares of forest land are certified for theharvesting oforganic wild products (mainly berries). The most important sectors are cereals including rape together with dairy, meat and bakery products.Wild berries are also increasingly important. Most exports are from the cereal, most notably oats. Finland is renownedfor producing the best quality oats in the world. Additionally,potato products and berry-based products are exported.

Nordic organic production is of high quality

Organic Food Finland implemented in cooperation with Finpro, is an export group specialising in organic products

Organic North project Director Arto Varanki from Spokesman Oy is also a strong supporter of Nordic co-operation with Sweden is a very important step and we are planning and implementing communication measures attract the maximum amount of visitors to our pavilions. Hopefully, this will also encourage other Nordic countries to join says Varanki.

BioFach is the world’s largest organic fair. It is held annually in Nuremberg. Biofach has sisters event in Japan, China, India, Brazil and the United States. In 2009 BioFach will also feature natural cosmetics, skin care and wellness products which will be assembled in their own event under name Vivaness. Besides its traditional offerings,the exhibition will also offer over 100 organic sectors events and seminar.

The Friday Night Party will be held on February 6-8 pm at the stand, featuring former guitarist ABBA Janne Schaffer and assortment of Finnish and Swedish organic delicacies.

The Organic North pavilions are situated in Hall 3. The Stand numbers are 300 and 400. You are most welcome join us at the party.

Enclosure: list of exhibitors and products

For further info rmation, please contact:
Arto Varanki, Spokesman Oy, Tel. +358- 40- 544 55098, - The Nuremberg Fair’s official representative in Finland

Erkki Pöytäniemi, Organic Food Finland, Tel. +358- 50- 550 5225,

- Head of the Organic Food Finland export group ?

Bioferme Oy, Merja Scharlin

Fermented oat and berry products

Rauvolantie 64, FI-20760 Piispanristi

+358 2 276 2600

Pohjolan Luomu Finland Oy, Marika Salmi

Organic cereals and raw materials, EU 2092/91, NOP,


Kankurinkatu 4-6, FI-05800 Hyvinkää

+358 40 3011 230

Senson Oy, Pasi Heikkilä

Organic malt extract, organic malt

Pl 22, FI-15141 Lahti

+358 500 352 868

Viiniverla Oy, Juha Kuronen

Organic berry wines, sparkling wines,

liqueurs, spirits and juices

Salonsaarentie 127, FI-47850 Verla

+358 40 530 9224


Organic Food Finland Export Group:

E. Boström Oy, Annika Boström

Organic muffins

Söderholmsv. 20, FI-68530 Lepplax

+358 6 788 8653

Finnamyl Oy, Ossi Paakki

Organic potato starch

Perunakatu 1, FI-32800 Kokemäki

+358 20 721 5814

Green Finance Oy, Kari Saari

Berry products, juices, vegetable oils

Haukilahdentie 27, FI-69830 Pulkkinen

+358 40 564 8544

Helsinki Mills Oy, Jaana Heinonen

Organic oat flakes, wheat flour, mixes, rye, barley

Puurtajankatu 34, FI-04440 Järvenpää

+358 9 271 69227

Kiantama Oy, Vernu Vasunta

Organic berry ingredients; IQF, juice concentrates, dehydrated

berries extracts etc.

Marjatie 1, FI-89600 Suomussalmi

+358 201 44 2253

Maustaja Oy, Juha Nurmimäki

Jams, ketchup

Tuotetie 3, FI-92930 Pyhäntä

+358 20 7991 391

Virgino Kankaisten Öljykasvit Oy, Perttu Korolainen

Rape seed oil

Rastikaari 31-33, FI-14200 Turenki

+358 400 770 654

Organic Food Finland,

Export Manager Erkki Pöytäniemi

Key Account Manager Lhassan El Farkoussi

Export Group for organic products from Finland

Puolikuu 3 D, FI-02210 Espoo, Finland

+358 9 57143320

Napapiiri Organics

Connecting with Nature: Organic Products from Finland

Puolikuu 3 D, FI-02210 Espoo, Finland

+358 9 57143320

Exhibitors Sweden


Polarica AB, Thomas Niemi

Frozen berries and concentrates

Box 27, SE-953 21 Haparanda

+46 922 292 02

Lantmännen, Anneke Svantesson

Organic cereals

Linbanegatan 12, SE-745 84 Enköping, Sweden

+46 171 265 00

CUL/SLU, Karin Ullvén

Nordic Organic Conference (NOC)

Box 7047, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

+46 18 671696

Oatly AB, Bengt Anker

Oatly oat drinks

Företagsvägen 42, SE-261 23 Landskrona, Sweden

+46 418 475 500

Härjedalsbröd, Sören Lindvall

Hallbröd, Häddalsknäcke, Jam, Marmelade

Solbergsvägen, SE-840 80 Lillhärdal, Sweden

+46 680 302 55

Malmberg Original Water AB, Niklas Lindblad

MALMBERG bottled water in still, carbonated and with organic flavours

Gamla Byvägen 41, SE-296 85 Åhus,

+46 703 231 863


Swedeponic (Holding AB) Santa Maria, Mats Mattsson

Fresh herbs and lettuce

Box 63, SE-431 21 Mölndal, Sweden

+46 703 051 042

Laholmschips AB, Bo Albjär

Organically produced potato and root vegetable chips

Box 1, SE-312 21 Laholm, Sweden

+46 70 513 3440

Pipersglace AB, Maggie Ciprian-Olevik

Ice cream and sorbet

Slottet 21, SE-450 70 Hamburgsund, Sweden

+46 525 196 90

Löfbergs Lila AB, Anna Söderlund


Box 1501, SE-651 21 Karlstad, Sweden

+46 54 140 199

Olle Svensson AB, Bo Ahlstedt

Frozen Berries

Box 4, SE-293 21 Olofström, Sweden

+46 454 988 00

Swedish Trade Council /Food From Sweden,

Mona Hedenskog

Box 240 SE-101 24 Stockholm Sweden

+46 8 588 660 40

Ekologiskt Marknadscentrum, Ingemar Hjelm

Anckargripsgatan 3 SE-211 19 Malmö Sweden

+46 70 527 50 27

Ekologiska Lantbrukarna, Inger Källander

Sågargatan 10A SE -752 18 Uppsala Sweden

+46 70 633 64 69

All Wex







Bio Latina

