Productos lácteos

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Productos lácteos
Descripción : La production laitière a commencé il y a plus d’un siècle à la Haute Folie ! L’exploitation est familiale depuis cette époque. En 1983, Robert COTELLE repend la ferme de sa belle-mère qui l’avait elle-même reprise dans les années 50. Marc DUGAY, son gendre, intègre l’exploitation en 2009. Puis, ils sont rejoints par Stéphane ZÉWÉ, l’époux de la seconde fille de Robert COTELLE.

L’exploitation comptait jusque-là un troupeau Holstein élevé de manière intensive. La nouvelle génération réfléchit alors à produire du lait différemment et opte pour un troupeau de Jersiaises.

La transition vers une activité biologique, obtient une certification bio en 2011.
Productos lácteos
Descripción : Mozzarella, Cheddar
Productos lácteos
Otros productos lácteos
Descripción : We are a broker
Productos lácteos
Descripción : We are a broker
Productos lácteos
Descripción : Fromage à pâte molle au lait cru.

Petit fromage rond originaire de la région Quercy-Rouergue.

Nature, herbes de Provence, poivre ou armagnac.
Productos lácteos
Descripción : El curado natural al estilo tradicional por el maestro afinador, un largo reposo hasta 12 meses, así logramos un gran queso. Su excelente aroma y sabor potentes son inigualables.

(12 MESES)

Productos lácteos
Otros productos lácteos
Descripción : Our farm dairy products come from our milk production on the farm. A breeding of 170 Jersey cows allows us to produce 170,000 liters of milk per year.

The milk of our cows is rich in proteins, Omega 3 and full of beneficial elements and it is very digestible.

The Skyr is our latest product released.

Providing proteins for athletes or the elderly or a delicious dessert rich in taste while being low in lipids, Skyr is to be consumed plain or accompanied with fruit or cereals.
Productos lácteos
Descripción : Our farm dairy products come from our milk production on the farm. A breeding of 170 Jersey cows allows us to produce 170,000 liters of milk per year.

The milk of our cows is rich in proteins, Omega 3 and full of beneficial elements and it is very digestible.

The yogurt is thus firm and creamy. Plain or sweet on request, it is a perfect dessert!
Productos lácteos
Leche descremada o en polvo
Descripción : Our farm dairy products come from our milk production on the farm. A breeding of 170 Jersey cows allows us to produce 170,000 liters of milk per year.

The milk of our cows is rich in protein, Omega 3 and full of beneficial elements and it is very digestible.

Skimmed milk (or semi-skimmed according to adjustable needs) and rich in proteins and easy to use for processing.

Pasteurized on the day of milking, it is then delivered in bags.
Productos lácteos
Queso fresco
Descripción : Our farm dairy products come from our milk production on the farm. A breeding of 170 Jersey cows allows us to produce 170,000 liters of milk per year.

The milk of our cows is rich in proteins, Omega 3 and full of beneficial elements and it is very digestible.

The cream cheese is obtained by molding and draining by us.

It has a firm texture and an ivory white color.

To be enjoyed as a dessert, with herbs or as a
as an accompaniment to salads or desserts, it will be an asset in kitchens.
Productos lácteos
Postres lechosos
Descripción : Our farm dairy products come from our milk production on the farm. A breeding of 170 Jersey cows allows us to produce 170,000 liters of milk per year.

The milk of our cows is rich in proteins, Omega 3 and full of beneficial elements and it is very digestible.

Creamy or country cottage cheese is simply delicious.

It is a source of taste happiness for young and old alike.
Productos lácteos
Mantequilla, crema
Descripción : Producteur de lait de vache certifié AB par Ecocert. je cherche à vendre mon lait en cru, uht ou transformé en yaourt ou fromage (à votre convenance)en région bretagne
jusqu'à 200000 Litre par an
Productos lácteos
Otros productos lácteos
Descripción : Our Infant Formula Milk Powder for feed has the following specs:
Protein: 11 – 15%
Fat: 22 - 26% (DHA, AA)
Carbohydrates / lactose: 48 – 56%
Moisture: Less than 3%
Added complete Minerals & vitamins

We provide full set of original shipping documents include Cert of Origin, Cert of Analysis, Health Cert, Form D/E CO upon request. OEM/ Private Label are welcome, shipment from Malaysia/ Singapore.

Let me know if you are interested on the above.
Productos lácteos
Otros productos lácteos
Descripción : Looking for NOP Certified
Organic Yeast Extract
Organic Butter without salt
Organic Dairy products
Organic Sunflower Oil
Productos lácteos
Leche descremada o en polvo
Descripción : We supply South African produced camel milk
The perfect alternative to dairy and almost as good as mother’s milk!

Camel milk has more Vitamin C, B6, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium than cows milk, and is lower in lactose! Camel milk contains natural antibiotics which keeps the milk fresher for a longer period.
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Bio Latina

