Encontrar vendedores de Productos azucarados ecologicos
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Propiedades de los FOS:
-Estimulante del crecimiento de la flora intestinal (prebiótico)
-Libres de calorías, recomendable en dietas de control de peso
-Inhiben el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas (E.Colli, Listeria, Shigella, Salmonella)
-Tolerados por diabéticos e ideal para hipoglucémicos, ya que tiende a regular los niveles de insulina
-No generan caries dentales
-Disminuye los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos
-Aumentan la absorción del calcio y el magnesio
-Facilitan la motilidad intestinal, recomendable para personas que sufren de estreñimiento
-Poder edulcorante 1.5 veces mayor que el azúcar
-No contiene aspartame, fenilalanina, sacarina ni grasa.
With the new sweetener we are producing a new brand of baked products, chocolate products, supplements and we can produce different products because we can replace the normal sugar with this new functional and health sugar.
Craftsman's Production carefuly made.
La miel se deja fermentar por un periodo de 3 a 6 meses y puede consumirse sola, como endulzante de bebidas o como base de salsas dulces/ácidas.
Según la tradción esta miel tiene propiedades medicinales.
ready to serve:
14 varieties of elegant cups, garnished with delicate and tasty flavours.
Tartufi, mousse and a selection of fruit filled with icecream
Icre cream in tubs:
Specially for icecream parlours and restaurants our icecream in tubs is the result of years of research for high quality ingredients.
21 flavours of the most popular requested in icecream parlours.
Delicate and surprisingly similar to the taste of a real fresh fruit, our sorbets are made with fresh fruit or juices and fruit pulp of high quality, without the use of milk derivates or fats.
Our sorbets are made with the ingredients traditionally used for producing sorbets and they are mostly used in restaurants where quality, presentation and taste are of prime importance
We are certified Nepal Food & Research Center by Government of Nepal.
sugar mascavo, cafe, guarana, nuts from brasil