Ofertas de venta
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We are based as Indian region doing export & import mostly in respect of ORGANIC AND DIETARY NUTRITION FOOD PRODUCTS on expanding our trade globally.
Please find enclosed herewith our attachment showing the area of interest ranging from Food Millets and Pulses.
Las hojas de GRAVIOLA O GUANABANA se utilza medicinalmente como anticancerígeno
La fruta para consumo humano y para fabricacion de cosméticos, las semillas para fabricar Cremas Hidratantes etc....

We carry various varieties of Western wheat classes for production of bread, feed, and ethanol markets. The seed we sell meets and surpasses the regulatory standards for certified seed.
To sell certified seed we must prove to you that the quality, germination, vigour and overall agronomics of the variety are worth your money over farm saved seed. We believe that the only way to prove this is by consistently providing seed at a level that is not only of high visual quality, but directly produce better results.
Our spring wheat seed is top quality. The varieties that we sell were chosen based on each ones agronomic traits and suitability to a given area

Cleaned to buyer specification
Packaging = 25 kg, 1000 kg polywoven tote/bag

GAZELLE SPRING RYE – Certified Organic by Pro-Cert
Yield = 45-70 bushels / acre
Good for lodging
Maturity = 100 days
Height = 103 cm
Protein = 14.5%
Starch = 53.2%
Gazelle rye is slightly less susceptible to ergot than the prolific species it was bred from. The medium straw thickness improves its lodging tolerance.
WINTER RYE – Certified Organic by Pro-Cert
Yield = 50-60 bushels / acre
Allelopathic nature – produces biochemical that influence and reduce weed competition
Conventional parentage
No Treatment
Packaging – Bulk hopper, mini tote, 50 lb. or 25 kg bag
Can be used as a cover crop, for grazing or for grain production.
For this moment we have 100 ton of organic oat grocery in the husk
Organic buckwheat, we have 150 ton
and we have 3.5 tons of black mustard

Pearl Millet / Bajra

Spelt flour from Birkkala are milled in a stone mill that mills the grain gently, so that the vitamins and minerals are not damaged. There are no preservatives in the products of Birkkala farm.

white, red, black
organic & conventional

Excellent coconutty flavor. Double green production in that the factory is run using renewable fuels and without using diesel.
100 liter Totes, 55 gallon drums, 5 gallon pails, one gallon pails, 30 ounce jars and 15 ounce jars.