Special Announcement: IFOAM Presents the Global Organic Mark

The worldwide Organic Movement revises after six years of discussion its Organic Guarantee System. Key elements of that reform are the so called ‘Family of Standards‘, a list of organic good practice standards, and the Global Organic Mark. Today, IFOAM publishes the long awaited new logos.

The IFOAM Global Organic Mark is now available. Operators are invited to enter a business part­nership with IFOAM.

“Organic operators, i.e. farmers, processors and traders alike, rely on logos to explain to consumers that they comply with organic standards. That is not new, but rather one of the main ingredients of the success of organic movements, particularly in the US and in Europe. IFOAM Members, e.g. Soil As­sociation, Bio Suisse, Demeter, the East African Organic Movements or Naturland are drivers of organic development, thanks to such an organic mark.

With the launch of the Global Organic Mark IFOAM offers a partnership opportunity to operators in emerging mar­kets. Consumer awareness is growing in all parts of the planet and they increasingly demand product assurance that can safeguard, reliably, their ethical choices.

Building consumer trust is a precondition for sales and, in order to achieve this, coherent communication key. If product messaging is legitimized by a global civil society movement and is rooted in experi­ence of decades, consumers pay greater atten­tion.

Whether the Global Organic Mark develops its focus in Taiwan, in Thailand, in the Arabic Emir­ates, in Russia, in South Africa or in Chile, will depend on the demand of operators. We are

eager to hear of your interest to collaborate!”

Joelle Katto-Andrighetto
Program Manager
Direct: +49-228-92650-24
Skype: j.katto_ifoam








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