Organic Federation of Australia

Organic Update

Continuing Growth of the Organic Sector
This issue of Organic Update focuses on the continuing growth of the organic sector in Australia and around the world. One of the significant figures comes from the United States Department of Agriculture where organic dairy farming grew 477 percent in six years and is still not keeping up with consumer demand.

An Australian Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce.
Standards Australia has agreed to start the process to develop an Australian Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce on June 6. More information can be found later in this newsletter under Australian Organic News.

OFA is now registered as a not for profit company limited by guarantee. This was proposed as part of the restructure process as a better model for a national organisation than an incorporated association. We are now the Organic Federation of Australia Ltd.

The reason for the change is that it will give us a greater range of opportunities to fund our organisation and sector development activities, rather than just relying on membership fees.

Business and Marketing Plan
The OFA selected Kev Morgan of the Centre for Organic & Resource Enterprises (CORE) from 11 consultants to develop our business and marketing plans. The funding has come from the Australian Government’s Industry Partnerships Program. The purpose of this planning process is to develop a professional program and funding sources to enable the OFA to promote the organic sector and to fund the activities we undertake on behalf of our sector.

Best Regards
Andre Leu

Third National OFA Organic Conference Update

Conference Early Bird Registration of $250 has been extended to June 21.
The full program and the speakers’ biographies are on our website. Held in conjunction with Organic Expo to make Australia’s largest organic event, the weekend of July 21-23 will be the best opportunity all year, for us to meet with our friends and colleagues and celebrate all things organic.

The Theme: ‘Organics – Solutions to Climate Change’ was selected to put organic agriculture in the climate change loop with government, researchers, conservation organisations, media and the general public. Up to now we have been ignored, yet climate change is one of the greatest issues that we face and organic farming can help ameliorate it.

The majority of the presentations will be on importance increasing soil carbon to ensure good production outcomes and farm profitability. Soil carbon, particularly the stable forms such as humus and glomalin increases farm profitability by increasing yields, soil fertility, soil moisture retention, aeration, nitrogen fixation, mineral availability, disease suppression, soil tilth and general structure. It is the basis of healthy soil and foods.

Keynote speaker Dr Elaine Ingham , one of the worlds leading soil microbiologists will show how composting can sequester carbon into the soil and help reverse the greenhouse gases created by our society. This is useful information for all of us, whether we live in the city or on a farm.

Organic Expo Cocktail Night and OFA Awards Dinner Night
As part of the activities over the July weekend there will be an Organic Expo Cocktail Night on Friday July 21 and the OFA Awards Dinner Night on Saturday July 22. The OFA Awards dinner will feature organic food and drinks. Details can be found on our website and the Organic Expo website. Bookings are essential for both events,

Nominations for OFA Awards –‘Outstanding Life of Service to the Organic Sector’
We will be holding an OFA awards nights at the conference dinner on Saturday July 22. Rather than a ‘best of competition’, the conference committee has decided to honour those people who have dedicated their lives to develop the organic sector. Most of these people have generously donated their time and resources and we believe that it is appropriate to recognise this and say ‘Thank You’
The criteria:
20 years or more of service to the organic sector
Producer, Trader, Consumer, Certifier and Alliance (educator, researcher, journalist, writer etc)

Please send your nominations, along with the reasons for the nomination to: Colleen Yates, 08 95350005

Back To Basics - The Second Queensland Organic Conference

Call for papers: Back to Basics, the 2006 Queensland State Organic Conference
The Organic Producers Association of Queensland is seeking expressions of interest from people who wish to participate in the 2006 Back to Basics State Organic Conference, Beerwah, September 1&2 2006, as speakers or workshop presenters.

The venue for the Back to Basics conference, is the Beerwah and District Community Hall, Sunshine Coast hinterland, Southeast Queensland, Australia. The conference is a two-day event: Friday 1st September on-site at Beerwah, Saturday 2nd September organic farm tours south to Gatton and north to Gympie.

This 2nd State Conference will address issues of great promise and great threat that currently confront organic farmers and will endeavor to equip farmers with the tools needed to forge ahead through adversity to opportunity.

OPAQ is the state representative body for Queensland organic producers. The Back to Basics conference will build on OPAQ’s achievements and provide the ideal educational, promotional and networking environment for all those involved in, supportive of, or interested in any way in Queensland’s organic industries.

The preliminary programme is below and whilst we invite you to submit papers in keeping with these themes we are happy to discuss subject variations as we receive proposals from prospective speakers and workshop presenters.

If you feel strongly about any aspect of organic farming and how it relates to Queensland and wish to express your views to a wide range of interested people, please contact us.

Please, summarise your proposal for a speech or workshop in 100 words or so, and email to Les Nicholls at Or post to OPAQ c/o Les Nicholls PO Box 160 Glasshouse Mountains, Qld 4518.

Australian Organic News

An Australian Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce.
Standards Australia agreed to start the process to develop an Australian Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce on June 6.

Standards Australia is an independent, non profit organisation owned and run by its members. Its sole function is to develop credible standards that can be used by industries, governments and regulatory authorities. Australian State and Federal Government regulatory authorities recognise these Australian Standards and can call them up into regulation where needed.

An Australian Organic Standard has many benefits
1. The organic sector would ‘own’ the Australian Standard. It would be a standard written by the sector for the sector and controlled by the sector.
2. The process of developing and maintaining the standard is free.
3. An Australian organic standard can be constantly changed and adapted under the Standards Australia approach in a similar manner as the current AQIS process. The other regulatory processes for amending standards are not very flexible, nor amenable to small variations.
4. An Australian Standard can be called up by regulatory authorities like FSANZ, ACCC and the various State food safety and consumer protection authorities to prosecute fraud.
5. This option gives the Australian organic sector the best of both worlds. The control and flexibility to change the standard and backed up by the regulatory powers of the relevant State and Federal Government authorities.

While it is envisaged that the existing National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce will be used as the starting point, the Standards Australia process will see the development of a new standard.

One of the differences will be in the make up of the technical committee that will oversee the new standard process. This will see a broadening of the stakeholders. This is a very important issue as the new standard will be the document that defines organic and biodynamic production in Australia. Consequently it effects all stakeholders in the organic sector from producers through to consumers.

Standards Australia will be calling for nominations from people with the relevant skills from the whole organic sector. While the role of certifiers is very important to the standard development process, it is equally important that the stakeholders who are affected the most by the standard, the producers, processors and consumers are represented. This will ensure a fairer, more robust and effective standard.
For more details on the Australian Standard please see:

Australia’s Largest Organic Training Program Launched in South Australia

TM Organics has launched a unique program that covers both group training and one-on-one consulting advice for farmers and growers considering or undertaking the transition to organic production.

“Business support for transition to organics” has received funding support from the Federal Government through AusIndustry's Building Entrepreneurship in Small Business Program, and will provide training and mentoring for 150 South Australian growers over the next two years.

Tim Marshall, organics industry expert and one of the principals of TM Organics said, “With 20%+ annual growth at retail level, there is a demonstrated need for organic produce in both domestic and export markets, and attractive price premiums for those able to meet the certification requirements of the organic market."

"The time is right for growers who are inclined towards sustainable production to consider how they might convert some, or all, of their property to organic production, to capture some of this expanding market. Our program will provide business skills development to enable producers to manage their enterprises better as they transition to organic production”.

There has never before been a skills development initiative of this scale focused on the organics sector that provides support for growers for the transition to organic. Each program will run over 10 – 12 months, and consists of a series of monthly group meetings with 10 – 15 growers from a particular region, combined with specific one-on-one advice for participants.

Ten groups are planned to run in regional areas, including the Riverland, Adelaide Hills/Fleurieu, Mid-North, Northern Adelaide Plains, Murraylands and the South East.
Early bird registration
More information contact: Tim Marshall 0412 473 230 Doug Adamson 0418 95 96 99

Balranald Organic Lamb Conference

Report on Balranald Organic Lamb Conference: 2 June 2006

By Tim Marshall
Around 300 people congregated in Balranald in the first week of June for a conference on organic livestock. Almost all attendees were lamb producers from the Western Division of NSW, with a smattering of producers from SA and Victoria, and as far away as WA.

Although the Western Division has been hard hit by drought in recent years, the feeling at the conference was exceptional. The gathering was remarkable because almost everyone was a producer, and because they approached organic production with a typically can-do attitude. A social event the evening prior the conference provided a taste of locally produced organic lamb roast and lamb pies, and set the mood for a positive conference.

About 35 certified organic livestock producers were present in the room; almost all were lamb producers. At the end of the meeting, another group of about 35 identified themselves as keen to convert to organics, however many more will give conversion to organic considerable thought over the coming months, and there was much greater interest in membership of a foreshadowed lamb producers organization.

A follow-up meeting is planned for 3 July. Contact person for the next meeting and formation of a producers group is Hank van Apeldoorn, Economic Development Officer with the Balranald Shire Council 03 50201300

Grow Organic Conference 2006

Grow organic – from paddock to plate
Grow organic 2006 was held on the weekend of the 20th and 21st of May at Camp Coolamatong. Despite the ‘later that usual’ timing of the conference, Grow Organic was well attended and a resounding success. Participants and speakers alike travelled from across the country to be in East Gippsland and the content of this conference left no one disappointed, but a few a little chilly!

The diversity of this year’s speakers covered a fantastically wide range of topics including organic soil management, cropping, marketing, the importance of genetics diversity, insight into the retail sector, cutting edge carbon sequestration science, niche viticulture, business success in permaculture, as well as a timely industry update from the Chair of the Organic Federation of Australia Mr. Andre Leu.

The experiences of the speakers were fascinating and there impact inspirational. Information was generally conveyed from a national perspective but extremely valuable insights were shared from some of the speakers European and the US experiences.

Having attended Grow Organic myself for several years prior to becoming involved with the OAA committee I am well aware of the value of this information sourcing and networking opportunity to growers and the region. Many attendees would never otherwise be in a position to listen to and engage with such industry experts.

The calibre of the speakers who are willing to travel to our part of the country speaks volumes about the reputation and importance of the event. I was almost taken back at the response and feed-back not only from the audience but moreover from the speakers. Each of this year’s speakers went out of their way to convey their appreciation for the opportunity to be involved. In particular speakers were delighted that they had an opportunity to listen to all of the other speakers, learn as well as contribute information, enjoy wonderful food in a beautiful setting, and of course all in great company.

A true strength of this bi-annual event is its format. Each speaker is given about an hour to address the audience allowing them to really engage with people, answer questions and give an in-depth talk. These talks are followed up at the end of the day with an informal workshop where group or one to one discussion ensues often until dinner is served. This is a rare and most valuable opportunity for conference attendee’s to have their questions answered and discussed with industry experts and leaders.

I would like to thank everyone who assisted with the planning and running of Grow Organic 2006. A massive amount of work goes into ensuring its success and without our dedicated team of volunteers this event would simply not be possible. A special thank-you to the kitchen staff who once again dazzled everyone with their organic delights all week-end, a big job: well enjoyed and appreciated by all.

A big thank you to all of the sponsors who make the event viable and assist in keeping ‘Grow Organic’ the best value for money organic conference in Australia. You will note our sponsors listed in this issue of Seed-bed, I encourage our members to reciprocate support to these businesses where ever possible; please let them know that you are doing so in-part because of their willingness to support Grow Organic.

Finally to our team of speakers, wow! Speakers travelled from just about every corner of Australia to be in East Gippsland and this is truly appreciated. The calibre and standard of speakers was outstanding, I consider our organisation very privileged to have welcomed you to the region. Your willingness to openly share information and your experiences is indicative of what makes the organic industry so strong, and will most certainly contribute to a thriving organic industry well into the future.
John Liddicoat

World Organic News

US Organic dairy farming grew 477 percent in six years
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics from 2003 cite 2.2 million acres of cropland and pasture in organic production in 49 states. Organic dairy farming grew 477 percent in six years, from 12,897 certified organic dairy cows in 1997 to 74,435 in 2003. But the growth in organic dairy farms, acreage and animals is not keeping pace with consumer demand. Organic dairy sales in supermarkets are growing 36 percent annually, according to the USDA.
Source: Organic Monitor

UK Supermarket Expands Organic Range
A multi-million pound overhaul saw Sainsbury's increase its organic range by 100 products last year to more than 600. Figures from research group TNS show the supermarket giant's share of spend on own-brand organics grew to 32 per cent, ahead of Tesco at 29 per cent.

Research demonstrates that organic products are no longer the preserve of affluent foodies, but are also the choice of most middle-income customers.

After an 80 per cent sales increase in organic milk and forecasts that the chain will increase sales by ten million litres over the next year, Sainsbury's is launching a scheme to cover farmers" costs of converting to organic production to ensure its supply.
Source: Organic Monitor

UK Organic Vegetable Market Expansion
The UK organic vegetable market grew a further 13 per cent during the 2004-05 season, a study by HDRA, the organic organisation, has revealed. The study states the organic vegetables market was worth £ 223 million (EUR 330 million).

The rate of growth in the UK organic vegetable market exceeded the growth rates of both the conventional vegetable and total organic food markets. Additionally UK self-sufficiency in organic vegetables increased to 64 per cent whereas self-sufficiency in conventional vegetables decreased. Chris Firth, senior business analyst for HDRA, said the research showed that the organic vegetable market continued to grow, with traded volumes rising by 23 per cent in 2004-05.

Natalie Geen, research officer, said the study suggested the market would continue to grow but insufficient availability could constrain the sector in the future. There was a decreasing area of land in conversion, thus there could be a shortage of suitable, converted, land for growing organic vegetables and, a shortage of organic vegetables, or increased reliance on imports. The report showed pre-packers continued to dominate the market with 60 per cent of the tonnage traded, although their relative share fell from 67 per cent in 2003-04. This illustrated a reduced reliance on supermarkets by consumers, pre-packers and wholesalers.

There was much competition between supermarkets but also from conventional vegetables produced using environmentally friendly methods or locally produced conventional vegetables. Price pressures and high specifications may have encouraged the relative shift away from trading with supermarkets and towards more direct sales routes. Source: Organic Monitor

Austria: Demand for Organic Food Strengthens
A study by the Agricultural Market Austria (AMA) finds the market share for organic food increased by more than 12.7 per cent in 2005, The sales of organic eggs alone rose by 17 percent. High rises in consumption were registered for fruit yoghurts, Jerusalem artichoke and organic butter. Source: Organic Monitor

Italy: Marches Provides Organic Food Promotion Grant
The central Italian region of the Marches has allocated EUR 200,000 to support distribution of organic food in local student's restaurants and hospitals. According to the ANSA news agency, the number of students' canteens in Italy offering organic food increased by 7% year-on-year in 2005 and totalled 647 units serving an average 1.0 million meals daily. Source: Organic Monitor

France: Organic Foods Gaining Popularity
More French consumers are buying organic products, according to the organic agency Agence BIO. It found that the proportion of consumers who ate organic products at least once a month had risen from 37% in 2003 to 44% in 2004 and 47% in 2005.

The survey also revealed that 56% of the French public are in sympathy with the values of organic farming, 86% have a positive view of organic products, 87% believe they contribute to the protection of the environment, and 92% of organic consumers recognise the AB organic logo. Some 24% of French consumers claim to eat organic products at least once a week. The proportion of those who never eat organic fell from 46% in 2003 to 38% in 2004 and 32% in 2005.

The most popular organic products are fruit and vegetables, which are purchased by 73% of those who buy organic food. They are followed by eggs, with a 61% share, and dairy products (other than cheese and milk) with 49%. Organic bread was bought by 41% and poultry meat by 40% of the sample. According to the survey, the fastest growing organic product sectors in 2005 were grocery products (coffee, tea, chocolate, honey, sugar, oil, etc), with a 22% increase in new consumers, and wine and other drinks, with a 23% increase.

Some 23% of the organic consumers surveyed said they intended to increase their purchases in the next six months, and 76% planned to keep their purchases at the same level. Source: Organic Monitor

USA: Wal-Mart Expanding Organic Range
Wal-Mart Stores announced plans to double its organic product selection in the next few weeks as the company continues an aggressive expansion into the grocery market and tries to lure more upscale shoppers to its stores.

Wal-Mart already sells some organic products in its Supercenters and Neighborhood Markets, including baby food, juice and produce. The company will expand its organic produce and dairy selections, as well as dry goods, such as pasta and peanut butter.

"We are seeing that the majority of consumers today are interested in organics in one form or another, and we want to help them find those organic selections at the best value," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Karen Burk said. "You will see this expansion begin in our Texas stores in the upcoming weeks." Source: Organic Monitor

USA: Military Consumers Opting for Organic Foods
Most large U.S. military commissaries are stocking a growing selection of organic products throughout the stores as military consumers are demanding more organic foods.

"Our larger stores have more than tripled the number of organic products they have in stock. It's the fastest growing category this year," said Patrick B. Nixon, chief executive officer and acting director of the Defense Commissary Agency.

"Customers are demanding them and our mission is to listen and respond, but increasing our organic product selection also fits in with our emphasis on the commissary as the place for military families to shop for healthy food at healthy savings." At the current growth rate, organics will reach more than $10 million in commissary sales As with other products, organic foods at the commissary are sold at cost, which translates into substantial savings over commercial grocery or specialty stores.

Organic milk, cereals, and even frozen pizzas and enchiladas, are the top sellers currently but that can change rapidly as product selection and popularity increase. Customers will generally find organic products located with their non-organic counterparts, but they will be easy to find as shelves are marked with small green signs displaying the organic seal of the United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA seal is the best way for customers to know which products are organic.

Larger commissaries in the United States now offer more than 250 organic items with more to come. Based on distribution and space availability, smaller commissaries and overseas stores also have some organic offerings, but many organic products come from small companies with limited distribution. That picture should change as customer demand grows. Source: Organic Monitor

Indonesia: Government to Encourage Organic Farming
The Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium-scale Enterprises has expressed readiness to support development of organic farming in Indonesia by providing stimuli to farmers in the form of cattle.

"The government can provide stimuli for the development of organic farming in the form of cattle and poultry whose manure could be used as fertilizer," Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises s Suryadharma Ali said after participating in a grand harvest and declaring West Java as a pioneer in organic farming in Subang, West Java, on Saturday.

The minister said that consumers' interest had now shifted to organic products and therefore producers had to be able to follow the trend well. "Organic farming is not a small market share," he said. Source: Organic Monitor

Kyrgyzstan: Organic Cotton Farming Gaining Popularity
Many cotton growers in southern Kyrgyzstan are joining an organic farming drive in the area, with numbers up almost six times since the initiative kicked off in 2003. Suerkul Orunbaev from the Shaidan village of the southern Kyrgyz province of Jalal-Abad, one of the main cotton producing areas in the country, remembers his initial doubts about organic agriculture three years ago.

"The risk of failure was high. In the first year, the cotton yield dropped significantly and it [hit us] financially. But in the second year the yield rate improved and I got a comparatively better income. I hope it will improve even further," Orunbaev said. Switching to organic methods can also help farmers increase their income by selling cotton at higher prices but with lower costs. At the same time, they can avoid serious health and environmental problems that accompany mainstream cotton farming, with its heavy reliance on chemicals.

Prices for organic cotton are on average 20 percent higher than those for the conventionally farmed crop. In 2005, Kyrgyz organic cotton farmers were paid US $ 0.60 per kg of raw organic cotton, while traditional cotton growers were offered $ 0.40 at best per kg.Mirzaakim Kurbashev Mirzaakim, a farmer from the Suzak district of Jalal-Abad, has grown organic cotton with his wife and eight children for three years now. He admits that it means more manual work in the field for his family, but he has broken free from relying on chemical fertilisers.

"Since I started organic farming my attitude to the use of chemical pesticides has changed totally. I now believe that it is possible to farm without chemicals. During this time I achieved a good cotton yield and sold it at a comparatively good price. Little by little life is getting better," Kurbashev said.Organic cotton growing in Kyrgyzstan was initiated by the BioCotton project, supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Dutch Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS). The project is implemented by Helvetas, the Swiss Association for International Development.

The BioCotton project plans to recruit 4,500 Kyrgyz farmers in 2006 and increase the output of environmentally friendly cotton to 300 mt. By 2009, the project expects to hand over its activities to a locally owned private company which will provide services to the farmers and maintain the production and export chain. Source: Organic Monitor

India: Prince Charles to set up Institute in the Punjab
Prince Charles has decided set up a training institute and research centre in organic farming for small and marginal farmers in the Punjab in northern India.

The main thrust of the project is to export freshsemi-processed vegetables and fruits to the United Kingdom, Middle East, South-Asia and Europe. The Idma Foundation for Sustainable Development is also involved in the project. Prince Charles, who was impressed after a presentation from the Punjab, put forward the idea for training farmers in growing crops using organic methods. Punjab officials jumped at the idea and invited him to come to the state. Source: Organic Monitor


The Future of Food
A brilliant must-see documentary by Deborah Koons Garcia, is a chilling investigation into the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and foods that have quietly filled the grocery store shelves, and the multinational corporations that are seeking to control the world’s food system.

OTACNet along with The Intuitive Well will present another screening of this important film, this time followed by a discussion, chaired by Catriona Macmillan, with Dr Judy Carman, Senior Lecturer, Flinders University SA. Dr Carman, who has degrees in science and medical research, is a director of the Institute of Health and Environmental Research, which is currently undertaking safety tests of GM crops for the West Australian Government. She is one of only a handful of scientists in the world doing this kind of work. Even if you've seen the film before, having Dr Carman explain its significance makes it worth a second visit. If you would like to come and hear Dr Carman speak, without seeing the film, come at 7.30pm and only pay $10 (or $5 for OTACNet members)
When: Saturday, 18.00 17th June
Where: The Intuitive Well, 70 Bronte Road, 1st floor, Bondi Junction, Sydney
Price: $20 per person ($15 for OTACNet members)
Tickets available by calling The Intuitive Well on (02) 9387 8777 (ext 100)
or email Also available at the door, but please book first.
DVD’s of The Future of Food available on the evening.

SAFE FOOD! - A MultiFaith Forum on current issues in food
Do we really know what we are eating? Why the push for Genetically Engineered Food?
Keynote Speaker: Dr Judy Carmen, Senior Lecturer, Flinders University SA
When: Sunday 18 June Sydney Time: 1pm - 6:30 pm (Registration from 12:30)
Where: Santa Sabina College Hall, 90 The Boulevarde, Strathfield
Cost: $15 a person on entry Enquiries: Ann Lanyon 9352 8021

Biodynamic Agriculture Australia Workshop Program 2006
Beerwah QLD 22/23 June Biodynamics for horticulture
Mt Barker SA Spring Biodynamics for viticulture and horticulture
Mansfield Vic 30 Sept A MALT farm project – Introduction to biodynamics
Theodore, Qld 10/11 October Antipodean Astro Calendar and biodynamics

Regenesis National Soil Seminar
Dr. Elaine Ingham from the Soilfood Web Institute [SFI] will be the lead speaker. Elaine, whose contemporaries include David Suzuki and Carl Sagan will take delegates on a tour of a 'working' farm [ReGenesis Farm] and present vital information about soil integrity and its impact on crop yields.
When: June 29-30 Byron Bay Where: ReGenesis Farm, 10mins from Byron Bay
Contact: Chryss on 02 66 809 757 or

72 Hr Permaculture Design Course
Tutors include John Champagne, Hugh Gravestein, Phil Gall and Vries Gravestein.
The course is suited to those looking to live in cool to warm temperate regions and features the Team Teaching approach and Creative Learning Facilitation.
When:JULY 3rd to 15th NSW South Coast Where: BEGA VALLEY Far South Coast NSW.
Details - or John 02 64 927306.

Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education SEMESTER 2 COURSES
July 3-20
Winter School PDC - is filling up – there’s a few places left. NB entry into semester 2 APT requires prior completion of a PDC.
July 24 – Dec
APT Semester 2 full-time austudy-approved training commences Certificate III & IV
July 25 – Aug 8
Food Forests & Orchards Short course –half-day/wk: practical growing & care for fruit & nut trees with Janelle Schafer
July 31- Aug 21
Seed Saving & Operating a Seed Bank Short Course – Mondays 10am-5pm includes a visit to Seed Savers
August 22 & 29
Organic Small Crops, Garden & Orchard Design* 2-day intensive workshop Tues 9-5
September 4-7th
Working with Cultural Diversity Intensive 4-day course 9-5.30
September 11-15th
Sustainable Aid & OS Development Intensive 5-day course 9-5.30
Contact: Djanbung Gardens Permaculture Education & ERDA Institute Trust
PO Box 379 Nimbin NSW 2480 Australia
PH 02-6689 1755 Mob 0429 147 138

Eursafe 2006 - Ethics and the Politics of Food
21st to the 24th of June 2006 in Oslo, Norway

Organic Expo: organics for everyone, Sydney July 21-23
The 2006 Show will feature:
* Celebrity endorsement & appearances
* Key industry speakers & involvement
* Premier Location @ Sydney Exhibition Centre
* Creative Layout & Exciting Interest Features
* Organic Café
* Highly successful and proven show
Phone - 02 9451 4747 Email -

The Third OFA National Organic Conference July 22-3 2006
Darling Harbour Sydney Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd July 2006 in conjunction with the Organic Expo.

Managing the Carbon Cycle
Horsham, Victoria 26-27th July 2006
This information packed two day ‘Managing the Carbon Cycle’ Forum will showcase emerging initiatives and innovative management practices in the rapidly changing arena of carbon accounting and trading in ‘carbon credits’ and will be of enormous benefit to policy makers, research, agency and consultancy staff, landholders, landcarers, conservation farming groups, catchment management authorities, educators, students and environmentalists.

For more info:

17th annual Queensland Landcare Conference 21 - 24 August, 2006
Bridging the Urban-Rural Divide - Premier networking event for Queensland's regions
Phone 07 3211 4413 | Fax 07 3211 4407 Email

1st IFOAM International Conference on Animals in Organic Production,
23-25 August 2006 in Minneapolis USA. For more information

The 2nd OPAQ Queensland Organic Conference
Beerwah Queensland September 1&2 2006
Contact Keith Morris Ph 0500581469

International Landcare Conference
Melbourne Convention Centre, Victoria, Oct 8-11
For More Information 03 96456311

Veg Out Farmers’ Market
1st Saturday of every month 8.30am-1pm
Chaucer Street, St Kilda (just behind Acland Street and Luna Park)

Collingwood Children’s Farm Farmers’ Market
2nd Saturday every month 8.00am–1pm
St Heliers Street, Abbotsford

Gasworks Farmers’ Market
3rd Sat every month 8.30am–1pm
Graham Street, Albert Park. (cnr Pickles St)

Organic Update is a publication of the Organic Federation of Australia
Phone +61 1300 657 435
PO Box 166 Oakleigh South Vic 3167 Australia
Join the OFA
Subscribe to the Organic Update

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