NOP Exporting Update October 2013
The United States Department of Agriculture has put a contingency plan in place for its agencies on October 1, affecting the operations of the National Organic Program, NOP. NOP is shutting down its nonessential operations and says its services could be delayed or interrupted. According to the latest information received by Australian Certified Organic, these events are not affecting exports. On its website United States Customs and Border Protection,, says, “Border Patrol and CBP Air and Marine Operations, will remain operational under a government shutdown because they have been deemed law enforcement necessary or necessary for the safety of life and protection of property.” Companies exporting certified organic produce to the US are required to get an NOP certificate before the produce leaves Australian shores. The interruption to NOP does not affect this process nor the business of Australian Organic or Australian Certified Organic, which operate separately and independently to NOP. The US is a significant market for Australian organic fresh produce, in particular beef. The organic industry in the US is worth over $30 billion dollars. Australian Organic will bring you updates as they’re available. In the meantime clients wanting more information about exporting to the US should contact their freight forwarders. For more information about NOP see, For updates about air and marine operations
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