September 2007
Help Define Organic Agriculture for the World
Provide Your Input on the World's Official Definition of Organic Agriculture
IFOAM is collecting feedback on the second draft of the Definition of Organic Agriculture.
After a two year consultative process, the IFOAM General Assembly adopted the Principles of Organic Agriculture in September
The IFOAM General Assembly also passed a motion to establish a succinct Definition of Organic Agriculture. This definition must explain what Organic Agriculture is, reflecting its true nature and the
Principles in a concise way.
The IFOAM Definition of Organic Agriculture Task Force sent out the first draft of the definition of organic agriculture and called for comments from IFOAM internal bodies. All responses were
analyzed, considered and appreciated. Details of the process are contained on the IFOAM website at:
The Task Force now seeks input on the second draft. All stakeholders are invited to submit comments by September 24th to Louise Luttikholt (
Next Steps
The Task Force will use all input to craft a next version of the Definition, to be presented to the IFOAM World Board. The IFOAM World Board will consider whether another revision will be needed
subsequent to the next draft. The final draft will be presented for ratification to the IFOAM membership at the coming General Assembly in Modena, Italy from June 22nd – 24th, 2008.
IFOAM Special Announcement, Responsible: Angela B. Caudle, Contact: Neil Sorensen
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