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Jus de fruits réalisés à partir de fruits frais sans colorant ni conservateur.
Jus de pomme, jus de poire, jus de raisin blanc ou rouge
Les nectars de fruits
Nos nectars contiennent au minimum 50% de fruits, et le taux de sucre ajouté correspond à la teneur en sucre du fruit raffiné pour une bonne tenue du goût et un bon équilibre
Nectar de pêche sanguine, nectar d'abricot, nectar de kiwi
Les cocktails de fruits
Il s'agit d'assemblages mis au point pour retrouver d'anciennes recettes authentiques
Jus de pomme-groseille, pomme-cassis, pomme-coing, pomme-cerise, pomme-framboise
Les cocktails nouveaux
Il s'agit d'assemblages mis au point pour trouver de nouveaux goûts
pomme-vanille, pomme cannelle
Les jus de fruits BIO
Jus élaborés à partir de pommes de nos vergers certifiés par Ecocert
Jus de pomme BIO, jus de pomme-fraîse BIO, jus de pomme-myrtille BIO
Les cidres bouchés BIO
Nos cidres sont réalisés à partir de purs jus et sont thermolisés pour garantir une bonne stabilité du produit
Cidre bouché doux (2,5°) et Cidre bouché brut (5°)
Les poirés BIO
Le poiré est une boisson alcoolisée pétillante, similaire au cidre, obtenue par fermentation du jus de poire issu de variétés spécifiques de « poires à poiré » BIO.
Poiré BIO (5°)
Les pétillants de pommes BIO
Jus de pommes BIO pétillant sans alcool
La bière Diotxyne
Bières réalisées à partir de malt provenant du nord de la france et de houblon d'Alsace
Bière blonde 5,5°, bière ambrée 7°
100% natural y organico
endulcante bajo indice glycemico
disponible al granel y envasado con nuestra marca

We are producing organic & conventional flours and multigrain mixes. All our products are Ecocert certified and Kosher certified also.

120 years of tradition of the island of Cres (Croatia) in the production of essential oils.
All the plants growing wild.
The following essential oils:
Sweet fennel

St John’s Wort oil has anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to heal wounds, to ease rheumatic conditions, and to care for blemished, cracked and dry skin.
Therapeutic applications: The oil may be used to heal wounds, soothe sunburn, treat bruises, haemorrhoids, sciatica, fever and rheumatism. It may also be used to ease inflamed muscles and joints, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout and lumbago; to heal ulcers, open wounds of all kinds, reduce swelling, ease psoriasis, vaginitis and soothe exceptionally sensitive skin prone to allergies. It is also well known as a natural antidepressant.
Use in massage: Rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, herniated discs and muscle pain.

Especially for use in professional massage, we present a unique selection of original Croatian organic products: oils for professional use in spas and wellness centres. Our guiding principle has been to infuse our products with the scents which are so very special to Croatia. All of our oils are certified organic. They are prepared from pure organic essential oils and a high quality carrier oil: cold pressed sesame oil. The result is a product which is wonderfully sensuous on the skin and which enables all the active ingredients to be easily absorbed during massage. The scented oils are blended by hand in order to achieve optimal relaxing and therapeutic effect.
The market we have is in Europe and in America.
We collect more than 150 kinds of plants ( herbs, flowers, leaves, roots etc )
and then we process them in our storehouse passing in many machineries
which help us to achieve good quality of the products. Also we produce cut products.
We have certificate for Bio Products ( 100% clean ), certificated NOP by Bio Inspecta.
and Eu certified by Albinspekt
leonurus cardiaca motherwort.
artemisia princeps yomogi.
arctium lappa burdock gobo.
althaea officinalis marshmallow.
geranium robertianum herb robert.
withania somnifera ashwagandha.
melissa officinalis lemon balm.
hypericum perforatum StJohn's wort.
moringa oleifera miracle tree.
eclipta alba bhringraj.
Andrographis paniculata kalmegh.
spilanthes acmella oleacera.
taraxacum officinalis dandelion.
ocinum sanctcum tulsi.
lessertia frutescens cancer bush.
We can gear production for regular orders.

Tenemos aceites de diferentes plantas por ejemplo aceite esencial de: albahaca, arrayan, cedron, citronela, eucalipto globulus, eucalipto citriodora, menta, muña, molle, romero, tomillo, etc. Ademas podeos desarrollar la planta que uds deseen.

Coating formulations are extremely flexible and make the product crispy and tasteful thanks to the possibility to add up to 60% coating to the original cereal.
This product can be used also before baking as its features do not change even at high temperature.
CRISPIES: Product obtained by coating of extruded cereals. CRISPIES are available in different sizes and shapes as any kind of extruded cereal can be coated, from 1,5 mm micro-crispies to 12,0 mm balls; from different sized cereal form seeds to any recipe flake. The careful preparation of coating formulations makes the raw material used much more crispy and tasteful.
our cocoa beans are from Cameroon (central Africa).
We actually sale only cocoa beans bio. We can send sample by DHL