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Long-lasting energy
Enhanced focus
Improved immunity
No jitters, no crashes
Low in sugar
Low in calories
Recommended for cultivation in the entire country.
Biological characteristics:
Growth type – intermediate
Growth habit – upright
Hairs color – brown
Pod color – brown
Plant height – 80-115 cm
Height of lower pod attachment – 12-15 cm
Leaf shape – ovoid pointed
Flower color – purple
Seed coat color – yellow
Seeds shape – oval
Hilum color – brown
Economic indicators:
Mass of 1000 seeds – 155-200 g
Potential yield – over 5 t/ha
Protein content – 41-44%
Fat content – 20-23%
Viscount is an innovative variety that perfectly combines a short growing period, stable yield and high protein content. It is intended for cultivation in regions with a shorter growing season. The registered yield reaches 4.65 t/ha, and the protein content is 43.6%. The variety is included in the CCA directory.
This variety is protected by an exclusive right at Community level. Sowing material from your own harvest of this variety requires obtaining an individual license from the breeder.
Organic farming has its own perks. Farmers follow a certain crop rotation process in order to maintain the fertility of the soil. This process includes cultivation of one crop for one year and another in the year that follows.
For your health, we employ nature’s curative powers. As a pioneering firm, starting with environmentally friendly raw material farming, our own scientific investigation, considerate harvesting, and manufacturing, all the way to global marketing.
famille de producteurs de champagne et de grands vins de
Bourgogne, né en 2010 de l'idée de combiner un vin de haute
qualité avec le plus précieux des métaux. En sélectionnant le
meilleur des raisins de cépage 100% Chardonnay pour les
Blancs de blanc, et 100% Syrah pour la cuvée Rosé, Or Addict
est le symbole absolu du luxe et de l’élégance. Les paillettes
d’or pur 23K, impalpables, apportent une touche de sophistica-
Robe couleur or frais aux reflets citron. Au nez, de la fraîcheur,
des arômes de fruits de vignes (pêche), des notes florales et
agrumes sur une touche épicée. Bouche aux fruits croquants
et fleurs sucrées.