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unique balsamic vinegar with Demeter certification
About Us:
Green Trading is a NZ owned established business based on Auckland presenting a range of organic and BioGro certified products for PEOPLE, PLANTS AND PETS. We offer organic range of products for People, Plants and Pets. We do not just source products; we are involved and invest in the manufacturing and R&D process. Our operation and office that are onshore and offshore helps provide and maintain the quality of our products. Our products can be found in many organic stores including on our website.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to make our healthy living products accessible to the people that need them the most. We want to gift you the experience of a new lifestyle with our products.
The attached information includes product information and specification and wholesale price list.
Our Mantra:
Just like you we are trying to do our best to care for the planet and act responsibly – with every part of its process we are consciously choosing products and services that minimize impact on the environment and enhance the lives of people living with poverty. We are always looking for better ways of doing things and be a part of creating a better future and good living.
Availables more items: tagliatelle, spaghetti, gnocchi, lasagne, penne, fusilli, maccheroni, tortelloni
Shelf life 80 days
artichoks brine,es,sundried tomatoes,pasta sauce,tapenade,grilled vegetables,
olives in brine,jams sugar free
•The most popular way to enjoy miso.
•Finest ingredients with no MSG.
•Either fresh paste or freeze-dried form. Freeze-drying, unlike pasteurization, ensures that all the enzymatic properties of the miso are preserved.
Clearspring Organic Instant Miso Soup Paste
Based on feedback from professionals, CONCEPT Fruits has developed a range of cooked chestnuts, refined and tasty recipes adapted to changes in the catering trade.
In the heart of the Rhône-Alpes Region, the leading French area for organic products has long been involved in organic preparation and distribution..
Eating Organic with the CONCEPT Fruits range reveals the authentic flavour of the products..
- Our original recipes are prepared with strictly selected ingredients,
- There are no chemicals to change the taste and appearance of our products ,
- We respect the seasonal nature of the products.
The company \"PAMFOROS GAIA - PSARADELLI” familiar to all of us for its delicious Organic pastry Pies will be presenting this year its new line of pies
in new packaging with an innovative design, giving
emphasis to health and the environment !
The new product line is called \"Fertile Land\" and is true to the excellence and quality known to PAMFOROS.
Made with the purest of organic products and using extra fine organic virgin olive oil,
they are served in 1100gr pans,
cut in 16 pieces and are ready to cook in the oven.
The organic pies are certified by “DIO” and include
the following four traditional recipes:
·Classic FETA Cheese pie ,
·Spinach and Feta Cheese pie ,
·Spinach and leek Pie
·Spinach Pie with corn flour GLUTEN FREE & LACTOSE FREE.
Soon to follow will be the familiar Organic handmade Pastry also in its new packaging:
·Classic handmade organic pastry for pies
·Organic handmade pastry with pure extra virgin olive oil
·Organic pastry with DINKEL flour handmade
You will find them in organic stores throughout the country.
Athens Greece