Buy organic Fruit & vegetables
Offers to sell
To obtain the company's identification, click on the offer number.
Brazilian cherry, Cashew, Cassava, Chili, Cilantro,
Coconut, Collards, Corn, Corn Catete, Cowpea, Fennel,
Guava, Hibiscus, Jackfruit, Lemon, Lemongrass, Mango,
Orange, Oregano, Papaya, Parsley, Passion fruit, Pigeon
pea, Rosemary, Rue, Runner bean, Sage, Sugar apple,
Sugar cane, Sweet potato, Tahitian lime, Tamarind,
Tangerine, Thyme, Turmeric

We work with Indian farmers across the country.
Working directly with passionate farmers and artisans across India, we are committed to sourcing only the highest quality organic produce.

Arracacha, with its pleasant flavour, contains vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. It is especially rich in such minerals as calcium and iron, and Vitamin B3 (niacin), exceeding their content in other tubers and roots such as potato and manioc. The roots contain an easily digestible starch. The bright yellow roots are an undoubted source of Vitamin A.

These have been consumed since Pre-Incan times, they are popular because of their unique flavour (sweet and sour), and significant health benefits. They contain vitamins A and C and bioflavonoids, which give them anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and diuretic properties. They are also a natural tranquillizer.

This is one of the world´s richest sources of NATURAL vitamin C. It raises the spirits, strengthens the immunological and nervous systems, and is a potent antioxidante. It keeps eyes, skin and gums healthy. It helps to maintain a healthy level of white blood corpuscules and detox the body.

Arracacha, with its pleasant flavour, contains vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. It is especially rich in such minerals as calcium and iron, and Vitamin B3 (niacin), exceeding their content in other tubers and roots such as potato and manioc. The roots contain an easily digestible starch. The bright yellow roots are an undoubted source of Vitamin A.

Organic Chanterelles
Frozen/IQF mushrooms
Organic Boletus/Cep/Porcini Mushroom
Boletus/Cep/Porcini mushroom
Freeze-dried mushrooms
Freeze-dried Chanterelles
Freeze-dried Boletus/Cep/Porcini
Mosimess mushroom
Dried mushrooms
Dried Chanterelle
Dried Boletus/Cep/Porcini

We aim to re-establish the lost link between the people and the positive powers of an organic way of life.
Organic freeze-dried lingonberries, organic freeze-dried bilberries, organic freeze-dried cranberries