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Crops are made by hand without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers, and are cared for rigorous processes of harvesting, drying, storage and packaging, to ensure their consumption in optimal conditions. Therefore, the range of infusions that we cultivate and market are 100% organic, which makes maintaining their properties, aroma and taste authentic.
we have more than 100 infusiones (such as anise, eucaliptus, lavender, marjoram, marsh mallow, nettle, olive, sage, stevia, savory, worwood etc.....)
Green Trading is a NZ owned established business based on Auckland presenting a range of organic and BioGro certified products for PEOPLE, PLANTS AND PETS. We offer organic range of products for People, Plants and Pets. We do not just source products; we are involved and invest in the manufacturing and R&D process. Our operation and office that are onshore and offshore helps provide and maintain the quality of our products. Our products can be found in many organic stores including on our website.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to make our healthy living products accessible to the people that need them the most. We want to gift you the experience of a new lifestyle with our products.
The attached information includes product information and specification and wholesale price list.
Our Mantra:
Just like you we are trying to do our best to care for the planet and act responsibly – with every part of its process we are consciously choosing products and services that minimize impact on the environment and enhance the lives of people living with poverty. We are always looking for better ways of doing things and be a part of creating a better future and good living.

1)Organic Apple Juice+Organic Pear Juice+Organic Banana Puree
2)Organic Grape Juice+Organic Pomegranate Juice +Organic Apple Juice
Our goods direct from fruit(not from concantrate-NFC).

Fundamental in animal nutrition are cereals and protein panels, in fact from AgriBio you will ?nd a wide range of products with excellent nutritional values, that integrated fodder and minerals, helping the animals in their growth and maintenance, bringing proteins and energy from carbohydrates.
Proper nutrition of our animals will provide higher quality in meat, eggs, milk and dairy products which in turn will then be part of our diet.

Our interest is not only the trading of raw materials, but also the enhancement of crops that have nutraceutical properties, beneficial to human health.
Among the various products treated, you can find quinoa, chia, hemp seeds and algae such as spirulina, crops known not only for its nutritional properties, but also for the pharmaceutical sector.

Our top priority is healthy, high-quality, and tasty edible oil. It means ecologically clean products without any solvents and other foreign substances. That is why all our plants are modernized and use the proven technologies only, ensuring us to become the top refined sunflower oil manufacturer.
Being the best edible oil factory in Germany, we strive to combine quality and reasonable prices for our partners.