Buy organic
Offers to sell
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Organic Chanterelles
Frozen/IQF mushrooms
Organic Boletus/Cep/Porcini Mushroom
Boletus/Cep/Porcini mushroom
Freeze-dried mushrooms
Freeze-dried Chanterelles
Freeze-dried Boletus/Cep/Porcini
Mosimess mushroom
Dried mushrooms
Dried Chanterelle
Dried Boletus/Cep/Porcini

Organic Pine Nuts
Organic Pine Nuts
Organic Walnuts
Organic Walnuts

We aim to re-establish the lost link between the people and the positive powers of an organic way of life.
Organic freeze-dried lingonberries, organic freeze-dried bilberries, organic freeze-dried cranberries

The Motueka Sunday Market runs each Sunday from 8am – 1pm at the farmer market Decks Reserve Carpark, Wallace Street, Motueka. We hope to see you there soon.

Einkorn/Spelt/Siyez Wheat Flou

We are specialized in the sourcing and distribution of mainly organic French and Indian herbs. Our ingredients, in powders, standard or specific extracts, are mostly used for the manufacture of food, therapeutic and cosmetic products.
We guarantee the quality, traceability and safety of our ingredients.
We also offer support in the creation of herbal products in the fields of food, dietary supplement and cosmetic.