Buy organic
Offers to sell
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Kimia Sabz Atrak Co
Mobile & Whats App:+989155338038

Organic Hass avocado
Organic Fuerte avocado
Organic bacon avocado
Organic Cherimoya ( custard apple)
Organic mangoes. ( Osteen and Keitt varieties)
Consult prices on our website.
Free Transport for orders of more than 350 Kg, to the Saint Charles market in Perpignan.
Consult other destinations
Our Organic Coconut aminos are a delicious natural seasoning sauce made from coconut sap. It is dark, rich, salty and slightly sweet in flavour. It resembles a light soy sauce or tamari (wheat free soy sauce), but it is soy free and gluten free – making it the perfect replacement for specific dietary needs.

ORIGIN: Canada
Contact us for full specifications.

ORIGIN: Canada
FFA: 0.5%
Phosphorus: <3PPM
PV: <0.1 meq./kg
Contact us for full specifications.
100 gr , 50$
1kg, 480$
It's completely organic from natural mountain forests of Iran.
The product is packet in bags as seen in picture attached, each containing 1 ton of fertilizer.
If you are interested, we would be happy to inform you more about the prices, available amounts and any other questions arisen.
With best regards,
Artis Lieljuris