Sell organic
Offers to buy
To obtain the company's identification, click on the offer number.
Our commitment is to deliver world class offerings from iconic producers/growers whom happen to use Organic,Biodynamic or extremely sustainable philosophies to grow grapes and make wine.
pistache coq, amande et noisette
Kindly confirm availability of the below products if your company can supply us.
(1). Extra Virgin Olive Oil 55 Gallon Drum, quantity needed: 200 Drums
Please indicate the lead time.
Payment terms: Net 10 / Net 30 days invoice terms upon receiving our purchase order (PO).
We look forward to receiving formal quote.
Richard Magee
Director, Purchasing
W.B. Mason Co Inc
59 Centre Street
Brockton, Massachusetts, 02301.
We are a trading company importing cereals
We are a trading company importing rice, buck, wheat, oats