Buy organic Sugar & honey products
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Grape Molasses

Certified Organic Chestnut Honey

We are stocked in over 150 UK Health Food shops, including 'Planet Organic', 'As Nature Intended' & ‘Revital’ and as low GI sweetener ingredient.
Why is Bali Nutra Coconut Syrup a better sweetener than competitor syrups?
Higher in nutrients than agave & maple syrup
Lower GI than honey
Certified EU Organic
Contains 17 amino acids and 13 vitamins
Gluten, GM0 and preservative free
100% sustainably sourced
Gold Star at the Great Taste Awards 2016 to become the only award winning Coconut Syrup currently on the market! " Autres produits
Our bee yards are located in Russia, Republic of Mordovia.
The following plants have been used by our bees: Linden, Mint, Tutsan, Échium vulgáre, Willow Herb, Clover and Sunflower.

1. The tested honey corresponds to the legal regulations (Honey Directive 2001/110/EC Article 1 in connection with Annex II).
2. The tested honey meets the specifications of pure honey. Therefore, the honey corresponds to the legal requirements with regard to the test performed (EU Honey Directive 2001/110/EC, article 1 and annex II).
Note: Our Honey complies with the International standard.

produced from bio rose hipp,bio sugar
If you are interested in buying natural honey in bulk, please contact us,
100% natural y organico
endulcante bajo indice glycemico
disponible al granel y envasado con nuestra marca