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Carob spread will be indispensable for your breakfast! Besides 100% natural content; gluten-free and sugar-free carob spread is very tasty and healthy.
It does not contain any preservatives, sweeteners, additives. Rich in minerals and vitamins; locust bean is rich in calcium and contains vitamins A, B, E and zinc, phosphorus.
Carob spread, which is good for asthmatics and shortness of breath, can be eaten with spoon, and can be spread on bread.
Carob Nectar and Carob Powder 80%, Vegetable Oil(Olive), Peanut, Milk, Natural Flavor(Vanilla)
Gluten Free, No added Sugar.
Does not contain sweetener, preservative and additive.

We have analyses Belgic laboratory Primoris.

L’ail noir est originaire d’Asie (Japon, Corée, Chine). Il est obtenu par fermentation de l’ail frais. Après la fermentation, il contient moins d’allicine, un composé responsable de la mauvaise digestion de l’ail chez certaines personnes. Il renferme plusieurs éléments : la S-allyl-mercaptocystéine, de l’allyl-cystéine, quelques composés organosulfurés liposolubles, des flavonoides et d’autres nutriments essentiels comme le sélénium.
Information : C’est de l’ail « normal » (ail blanc, que l’on trouve dans le commerce) qui a subi différentes fermentations (couple temps-température qui varie). Bi-fermentation des bulbes d’ail qui prend entre 2 à 3 mois.

Here at Field Farms Marketing (FFM), we work tirelessly to bring our customers the highest quality in non-GMO and organic grains at the best possible prices. We also take care of our hard-working suppliers and ensure that they receive the premium they deserve for growing healthy organic and non-GMO crops, the way nature intended.
Here at Field Farms Marketing (FFM), we work tirelessly to bring our customers the highest quality in non-GMO and organic grains at the best possible prices. We also take care of our hard-working suppliers and ensure that they receive the premium they deserve for growing healthy organic and non-GMO crops, the way nature intended.

Pepper, brocolli, cherry tomato, tomato, aubergine, cucumber and courgette are some of our products.
We also have a line of CRAFT ORGANIC PRODUCTS.
. Pepper bottoms
. calibrated pepper halves
. halves courgettes
. empty peppers

Arecanut (whole)
Black Mustard Seed
Black Paper Powder
Black Pepper (Powder)
Cardamom Large(black)
CARDAMOM (Elettaria cardamomum) Fenugreek Powder (Methi Powder)
Cardamom Small (elettaria)
Cardamom Small(mixed)
Chiily Flakes-Bird Eye
Chilli- Bird Eye
clove powder
Coriander Powder ginger(dried,bleached)
coriander seed
Cumin Powder
Cumin whole
nutmeg (in shell)
nutmeg (shelled)
nutmeg mace (dried)
nutmeg mace red dried
nutmeg mace yellow dried
Nutmeg whole
Red Chilli (whole)
Dal Cheeni
White pepper powder
Turmeric Whole-fresh
Turmeric Powder
Turmeric Paste
green pepper/bell pepper