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Oils for cooking & dressing
Description : la vente des huiles
Oils for cooking & dressing
Description : la vente des huiles
Oils for cooking & dressing
Description : la vente d'huile d'amande
Herbs, spices & condiments
Spices, peppers
Description : Khushi Foods Ltd. offer best quality dehydrated organic garlic for their use in food industries.

Khushi Foods Ltd. takes meticulous measures to ensure an outstanding dehydrated garlic product. The bulbs are first dried and then carefully cracked to obtain individual cloves. Small damaged cloves are discarded and the remaining cloves are sliced and dried further to reduce the moisture. During this dehydration process, a continuous conveyer belt passes the sliced garlic through various stages with a range of temperatures, air flows and retention times, depending on the garlic variety and its proposed use.

Dehydrated garlic can be added directly to most of the foods or blended with salt, pepper and other seasonings. Garlic is almost odorless until it is cut. At this time the enzymes react very quickly to produce allicin and this break down to allyl disulfide, the odor of garlic. In the process of dehydration, the enzyme is destroyed to prevent the odor of garlic.

Dehydrated garlic is one of its many commercial forms like flakes, chopped, minced, granulated and powder having a very strong persistent aroma and taste. Garlic powder is extremely hygroscopic and should be kept in an air pack containers
Dietetic & health foods
Other dietetic & health foods
Description : Our company is specialised in producing high quality products for a competitive price. Our aim is to be a low-cost private label manufacturer. That is the reason we do not have a brand strategy. Most of our products are sold througout Europe under all kinds of brands.

We service big, small or startup companies and treat them the same. Because we believe in a partnership. Only when you work closely together you can get the best results.

We produce organic rice cakes for customers througout all of europe and to the rest of the world. You probably have seen one of our products around the shops.

Rice cakes are made by popping brown rice into a round mould. After the popping the rice cakes transported and packed together in a consumer unit of 100gr E.

Almost all our processes are automated which makes the products of the highest quality.
Juice concentrates
Description : Srilanka Pineaple
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : HNF Foods is one of the leading suppliers of organic dried fruits, nuts and oils. With our experience in this field, we ensure to give the best service possible for our customers.

We are UK based company dedicated to present Turkish originated conventional and Organic dried fruits, nuts and frozen fruitd to the European market.

With our Certified processing plants in Turkey (Malatya– Izmir) we are able to provide you with the best quality dried fruits and nuts.

Since our customers will get the ingredients they need directly from HNF Foods Ltd. ( which is a producer, processor and importer of dried fruits and nuts) they will have less intermediary companies which means hassle free transactions with competitive prices.
Oils for cooking & dressing
Other oils for cooking & dressing
Description : Grampians Olive Estate Australia is one of the largest suppliers of organic olive oil in Australia. Our olive grove was planted in 1943 and our olive oil is exceptional quality. Please contact Claudia for lab test results on the olive oil, prices and more information or visit our website
Fruit & vegetables
Dried fruit
Description : Organic, certificated abd calibrated in shell walnuts
Herbs, spices & condiments
Spices, peppers
Description : SDS Spices grows, sources and exports all spices, organic and non-organic unique to the isle of Sri Lanka.

Our Estates and Warehouse are located in Kosgoda and Ahungalle in the beautiful southern coast in the heart of the Cinnamon growing regions in Sri Lanka.
Cleaning & hygiene in a sustainable way
Consumer cleaning & hygiene
Description : Ce coffret nettoyant naturel permet d’entretenir toute votre maison. Il contient trois produits ménagers rechargeables à vie pour les vitres & miroirs sans faire de traces, salle de bain (anti calcaire), multi-usages (dégraissant). La recharge supplémentaire de concentré actif à seulement 3,50€ pour vos prochaines utilisations.
Milk & dairy products
Description : Fromage à pâte molle au lait cru.

Petit fromage rond originaire de la région Quercy-Rouergue.

Nature, herbes de Provence, poivre ou armagnac.
Fruit & vegetables
Exotic fruit and vegetables
Description : We are company engaged in Manufacturing various product namely Vegetables, Fruits, Tubers and others with hight quality.

We cultivate more than hectares of plantations with organic systems spread across the island of West Indonesia.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Other medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Organic essential oils from Albania
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Aromatic plants
Description : Organic plants
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