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Plants require three major nutrients - Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium for its growth and development. Fertigenic NPK is combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium chelated with Amino acids. Nitrogen is the major component of amino acids, the critical element constituent of proteins and is necessary component in cell structure, plays very important role in cell division and reproduction. Phosphorus is vital for adequate root development and helps the plant resist drought. It enhances flowering and increases fruit and seed production. Potassium improves quality of seeds and fruit. It also helps to improve crop resistance to lodging, disease and drought. Fertigenic NPK also contains other nutrients in required amount for better yield and quality.
Certified by Certisys "Usable in organic farming under EC Regulation No 834/2007".
Included in the list of permitted products for organic farming in Germany.

Well boiled and dried under sunlight, organic rhizomes
Minimum length of rhizomes 1.5cm & max 8cm
Excellent fragrance
Excellent in taste
May be used as herb inn medicines, spice in vegetables or as an ingredient in pickles after grinding
One of the features and advantages of humic acids from leonardite over other biologically active substances is their harmlessness to humans. Many laboratory tests have proven the absence of side effects, even with repeated overdose.
In terms of humus content, the 1st ton of leonardite is equal to 40 tons of humus or 200 tons of chernozem.

Organic matter
Salinity corrector
Calcium corrector
Magnesium corrector
Potassium corrector
Nitrogen corrector
Aminoacids with Zn-Mn
Aminoacids with Ca
Aminoacids with Mg
Aminoacids with Zn
Aminoacids with B
pH Corrector
Root Bioactivator for foliar application
Root Bioactivator for soil application
Fruit Bioactivator
Ripening Bioactivator
Flowering Bioactivator
Legume Bioactivator
Root Bioactivator for extensive crops
Fruit Bioactivator for extensive crops
Fruit Bioactivator for vegetables and fruit trees
Aminoacids with microelements for vineyard
Aminoacids with mircroelements
Bioactivator with seaweed extract
Inducer against fungi and bacteria
Inducer against soil fungi
Inducer against bacteria
Potassium soap
Inducer against fungi and bacteria
40% Aminoacids
30% Aminoacids with Zn-Mn
20% Aminoacids

The substance that contains the minerals necessary for the nutrition of the plants and regulates the physical and chemical structure of the soil and enables the plants to be fed more easily from the soil is called fertilizer. Manure that is made from animal waste, fossils and similar natural ways is called organic fertilizer.
Chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides thrown into the soil not only harm harmful insects, but also harm and kill birds, other harmless insects and beneficial microorganisms in the environment. With the components in organic fertilizers, it gives resistance to the soil and the plant. It increases the yield of products.

We have been in the Organic & Compost manufacturing business since 1992. However hitherto our compost production was limited for use in our two estates and farms only. Now we are moving ahead with the demand for Compost & Liquid fertilizers growing and the state pushing us to use our knowledge as a national priority & requirement.
We possess our own farms including a large Dairy Farm as well to deliver a Total Green Economy – commencing from the use of Green & Brown Raw materials and ending with the Production of Liquid Milk, which will also be available for up-stream Development of Milk-Based Products soon.
Here we have gone into the deep south of the country, to Sooriyawewa, to carry out training of some of our farmers on compost making.

I’ve been staggered at how indoor plants in particular that have failed to thrive, jump to attention when this ready-to-use spray-on is used on their foliage.
Take your potted plants outside overnight and spray them there, then bring them indoors next day. That’s so you don’t leave a residue on your walls, because unlike all fish emulsion and seaweed extracts products there is no smell to this Wormswork golden liquid; making it the natural choice for indoors use.
I’ve sprayed it onto newly germinated seedlings too, where vigour is required but not soft lush growth such as you get if water-soluble fertilizers are used and the result is a dense root growth more able to withstand irregular watering.