Buy organic Cereals & derived products
Offers to sell
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Excellent coconutty flavor. Double green production in that the factory is run using renewable fuels and without using diesel.
100 liter Totes, 55 gallon drums, 5 gallon pails, one gallon pails, 30 ounce jars and 15 ounce jars.

Has and antioxidant value of 23 times that of Blueberries . Boosts the health value of the end product.
25 kilo bags. 18 lb in 5 gallon pails, 4 lb in one gallon pails and 8 ounce in standup Ziplock sealable plastic bags

Short Grain Rice
Arboreo Rice
Carnaroli Rice
High Protein Rice
all our rice is delivered without any infestation (procedure developed by our partners in Thailand )
all our rice is certified : organic, kosher, non GMO and gluten free

560 tonnes
Séché a basse température avec séchoir a recirculation a gaz
variétés tardives a gros grain
excellente qualité ( ramassé avant les pluies; excellente qualité sanitaire des plantes) , trié ; ventilé et stocké en cellule
visite du stockage ,échantillon et certificat bio disponible sur demande
variété ISIDOR
très gros grains
43.5 protéines
trié et ventilé