Buy organic
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PARMEN juice is 100% natural, fresh and healthy, obtained from carefully selected fruits, washed, chopped, cold-pressed, pasteurized and packaged in "bag-in-box". 100% natural juice contains no preservatives, flavors, food additives (E numbers) and has no added sugar.
Our offer:
1. Apple juice : 0.3 liter bottle - 0.6 euro €
2. Apple juice : 1 liter bottle - 1 euro €
3. Apple juice : Bag in Box 3.0 liters – 2.5 euro €
4. Apple juice : Bag in Box 5.0 liters – 3.8 euro €
5. Pear juice : 0.3 liter bottle - 0.66 euro €
6. Pear juice: 1 liter bottle - 1.2 euro €
7. Pear juice: Bag in Box 3.0 liters - 3.15 euro €
8. Pear juice: Bag in Box 5.0 liters – 4.5 euro €
9. Apple juice with carrots : Bag in Box 3.0 liters – 3 euro €
10. Apple juice with carrots : Bag in Box 5.0 liters - 4.75 euro €
11.Apple and beet juice: Bag in Box 3.0 liters – 3 euro €
Please note:
- Prices do not include VAT
- We provide deliveries of up to 5.0 tons produced / day up to 200-300 tonnes per year.
- We can also provide seasonal fruit (apples, pears, plums, etc.) limit of 150 to 200 tonnes per year.
- You can make a private label for the juice
- We can produce any other types of juices
- we have ISO 9001 and 22000 HACCP certifications, these certifications are international standard that specifies the requirements for a food safety management system .
The medicinal plants produced on our farm include:
-Aloe Vera

The expertise of ORIANE in farming, harvesting, processing and trading organic medicinal plants is backed by over twenty years of passion for nature, as well as knowledge and experience of traditional productions in France and Morocco.
Here are some of our main organic dried plants from France ; each of them can be supplied unprocessed or cut, or even in powder :
- Ash tree (Frêne – Fraxinus excelsior),
- Billberry (Myrtillier – Vaccinum myrtillus),
- Blackberry (Ronce des bois – Rubus fructicosus),
- Blue mallow (Mauve – Malva sylvestris), …
- Borage (Bourrache – Borrago officinalis),
- Epilobium (Epilobe – Epilobium angustifolium),
- Hawthorn (Aubépine – Crataegus oxyacantha)
- Meadowsweet (Reine des prés – Filipendula ulmaria)
- Mullein (Bouillon blanc – Verbascum Thapsus),
- Nettle (stinging N.) (Ortie piquante – Urtica dioïca)
- Raspberry (Framboisier – Rubus idaeus),
Our list of organic dried plants from France also includes :
Agrimony ; Angelica ; Bear’s garlic ; Birch ; Box tree ; Broom ; Buckthorn ; Burdock Cedar ; Butcher’s broom ; Celandine ; Cherry tree ;Chestnut ; Comfrey ; Couch grass ; Cowslip ; Cypress ; Elderberry ; Elecampene ; Ginkgo biloba ; Goldenrod ; Hart’s tongue ; Heather ; Horsetail ; Horseweed ; Ivy ; Juniper ; Kidney vetch ; Marshmallow ; Marigold ; Mugwort ; Oak Moss ; Peach tree ; Peppermint ; Periwinkle ; Pine ; Poplar ; Purple loosestrife ; Rose hip ; Sage ; Scabiosa ; Soap wort ; St.John’s wort ; Thyme ;Valerian ; Walnut tree ; White dead nettle ; Willow ; Woodruff ; Yellow sweet clover, …
Don’t hesitate to contact us ! We will be pleased to give you detailed information and quotations, and will do our best to meet your needs and expectations.
Yours sincerely, The ORIANE team

Our alliance agro-industrial mill Corporation is mainly dedicated to sugar cane production and its conversion into sugar and other by products. Its main corporate objective is to maintain a position of leadership in the sugar industry, by offering products and services of an excellent quality. Generally speaking, the sugar mill seeks to balance social and environmental requirements, following the highest ethical and professional principles.

We have done the work for you in preparing the kernels so that they are "Ready to Use", packaged in 5kg blocks, two per box.
Special Reserve Pecan Halves:
Hand selected perfect pecan halves are Roux Pecans most sought after selection. This selection is special in that we take extra time and effort in selecting this premium grade. These are completely unblemished pecans that epitomize the high standard of pecan that make them extremely popular with all clients from chocolatiers in London to the most discerning private individual.

Alpro® soya
Alpro® soya is the flagship brand, bringing the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet to millions of people throughout Europe.

?Aamlaki is an important source of vitamin C, minerals and amino acids and work as useful antioxidant and support normal oxidative stress levels during the body’s natural aging process

Helps promte health & healing.
HACCP & USDA Organic Certified.
Trade & Dealership enquiries solicited from worldwide.
we are producer for :
apple venigar
lime juice
aluvera distealed water
chamomile distilled water
salix distilled water
walnut leaf distilled water
thickrose distilled water
wiled choicory distiled water
maytree distiled water
savory distild water
mint distilled water
fennel distilled water
and ...
L'huile d'argan biologique non torréfiée Une ode à la beauté, utilisée inlassablement dans la pure tradition berbère. Une huile issue de l'arganier, arbre emblématique du sud marocain, protégé par l'Unesco. Gorgée d'acides gras insaturés, de vitamine A et E, elle représente un agent restructurant hors pair au pouvoir régénérant et hydratant.