Medicinal & aromatic plants

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Medicinal & aromatic plants
Other medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : - Plus de 800 plantes médicinales du Laos
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Guyane française (certaines Bio Ecocert)
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Uruguay
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Medicinal plants
Description : - Plus de 800 plantes médicinales du Laos
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Guyane française (certaines Bio Ecocert)
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Uruguay
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Aromatic plants
Description : - Plus de 800 plantes médicinales du Laos
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Guyane française (certaines Bio Ecocert)
- Plantes Pharmacopée traditionnelle, Uruguay
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Achyrocline satureioides, Baccharis trimera, Eupatorium buniifolium, Hyptis floribunda, Lippia alba, Alyosia gratissima, salvia officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Eucalyptus ...
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Other medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Organic cardamom pods
Organic cardamom seeds
Organic cardamom powder
Organic cardamom oil
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Socert Portugal - Certificação Ecológica, Lda
Medicinal plants
Description : Hypericum androsaemum, Hypericum perforatum, Gomphrena globosa, Sambucus nigra, Echinacea purpurea, Calendula officinalis, Salvia officinalis
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Socert Portugal - Certificação Ecológica, Lda
Aromatic plants
Description : Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavandula angustifolia, Cymbopogon citratus, Melissa officinalis, Coriandrum sativum, Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha piperita, Laurus nobilis, Lippia citriodora, Origanum sp, , Thymus x citriodorus, Thymus vulgaris,
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Medicinal plants
Description : United was established for producing and exporting dried herbs, spices, and seeds.

United started transfering 50% of its areas into organic agriculture.
United is the only marketing agent for a 200 hectares farms located in Fayoum, 90 km southwestern Cairo.

Anise Anis Pimpinella anisum
Basil Basilikum Ocimum basilicum
Calendula Ringelblume Calendula officinalis
Caraway Kümmel Carum carvi
Chamomile Kamille Matricaria chamomilla
Chicory Zichorie Cichorium intybus
Chili Chili Capsicum frutéscens
Coriander Koriander Coriandrum sativum
Dill Dill Anethum graveolens
Fennel Fenchel Foeniculum vulgare
Garlic Knoblauch Allium sativum
Henna Henna Lawsonia inermis
Hibiscus Hibiskus Hibiscus subdariffa
Lemon grass Zitronengras Cymbopogon citratus
Liquorice Süßholz Glycyrrhiza glabra
Marjoram Majoran Marjorana hortensis
Marshmallow Malvenblüten Malvae silvestris
Onion Zwiebel Allium cepa
Parsley Petersilie Petroselinum crispum / sativum
Peppermint PfefferMinze Menthae piperitae
Rosemary Rosmarinblätter Folia rosmarini
Sage Salbei Folia salviae
Spearmint Krause Minze Menthae spicata
Thyme Thymian Thymi

certified : Naturland, ECOA, USDA/NOP
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : 100 % pure and natural Essential Oils and
Aromatic Compositions with natural Essential Oils
in organic Quality
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Medicinal plants
Description : wild collected various
usda nop
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : Botanical name :Oleum Matrikarie "Bodegold"
English name :Chamomille"Bodegold" Oil dark blue
Quantity : 0.700 kg

Botanical name :Oleum Achilea millefolii "Proa"
English name :Yarrow Oil dark blue
Quantity : 4 kg

Certification from Balkan Biocert for organic in conversion.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Socert Portugal - Certificação Ecológica, Lda
Description : Essential oils of organic aromatic plants:

Cistus ladanifer;
Lavandula stoechas;
Rosmarinus officinalis;
Eucalyptus globulus

We cultivate our plants;
We produce our essential oils.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Other medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : We want to act as agents in contract farming for Importers in the area of medicinal plants and all other raw material and want to act as sourcing agents for Organic textiles from India.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Medicinal plants
Description : We want to act as agents in contract farming for Importers in the area of medicinal plants and all other raw material and want to act as sourcing agents for Organic textiles from India.
Medicinal & aromatic plants
Description : We want to act as agents in contract farming for Importers in the area of medicinal plants and all other raw material and want to act as sourcing agents for Organic textiles from India.
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