Cereals & derived products

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Cereals & derived products
Other cereals & derived products
Description :
Brokens: Max. 8%
Moisture: Max. 13.5%
Paddy: Max. O,3 %
Foreign Matter: 0.30%
1000 kg Bags
Cereals & derived products
Organic Food Development & Certification Center Of China
Oilseeds (rape, sunflower, soy, sesame, peas, bean
Description : IQF wild blueberry, IQF wild Lingonberry, IQF gooseberry, IQF raspberry, IQf black currant, IQF blackberries etc..
Cereals & derived products
Japan Organic & Natural Foods Association
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : soybeans, kidney beans, adzuki beans
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Tenemos disponibilidad de 2 contenedores de maíz orgánico súper dulce (butter 600) envasado en cajas de 1x16 kilos a contar de fines de marzo. Podrían ser 3 contendores pero no tenemos seguridad en la producción. Esta certificado orgánico por IMO.
Cereals & derived products
Rice, buck wheat, oats, rye, various
Description : Cleaning and processing
Bagged or Bulk
Cereals & derived products
Oilseeds (rape, sunflower, soy, sesame, peas, bean
Description : Cleaning and processing of Oilseeds
Bagged or bulk
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Cleaning and processing of cereals
Bagged or bulk
Cereals & derived products
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Other cereals & derived products
Description : Flours derived from production process
Cereals & derived products
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Rice, buck wheat, oats, rye, various
Description : Puffed, flaked and coated gluten-free products for repacking and private label packing
Cereals & derived products
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Description : Millet flour, other flours.
Cereals & derived products
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Manufacturer of puffed, flaked and coated cereal products for bulk selling, retail pack and private label.
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Quinua Real: Cultivo ancestral andino, la Quinua es uno de los cereales más nutritivos. No contiene gluten, es libre de colesterol, no forma grasas en el organismo, es de fácil digestión y de muy agradable sabor.. El consumo de Quinua está especialmente recomendado para personas con problemas de anemia, embarazadas, con problemas de obesidad y para aquellas que son alérgicas al gluten y que, por lo tanto, no pueden consumir derivados del trigo, centeno y cebada.

Además, existen estudios que demuestran que la Quinua puede consumirse con fines preventivos e incluso curativos en el caso de padecimientos tales como la osteoporosis, el cáncer de mama y la obesidad.

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO), ha establecido que, por su contenido proteínico, la Quinua es un sustituto ideal de la carne, los lácteos y huevos. Contiene complejo B, vitaminas C y E.
Cereals & derived products
Other cereals & derived products
Description : All quinoa products

The widest range in the world, more than 40 products based on quinoa.
Cereals & derived products
Description : Speciality: Coucous quinoa - chanvre
Cereals & derived products
Description : Quinoa flour and all others cereals
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