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Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Dried fruit
Description : Dried Pinapple, Papaya, Mango, Banana in various cut types.
Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Dehydrated fruit or vegetables
Description : Dried Pinapple, Papaya, Mango, Banana in various cut types.
Control Union
Plant base drinks (herb teas, concentrates, elixirs)
Description : Black, Green, herbal and fruit tea.
Control Union
Non-alcoholic beverages (water, fruit, vegetable juice)
Description : Expotic Fruit juices
Pineapple, Papaya, Mango etc.
Cereals & derived products
Control Union
Other cereals & derived products
Description : sesame seed
Cereals & derived products
Control Union
Rice, buck wheat, oats, rye, various
Description : Certified Organic White / Brown (red) rice and Traditional rice veriaties.
Products for organic farming
Description : “BIUD”-compost is a valuable organic fertilizer produced by means of applying technology of accelerated composting. Main components of organic fertilizer “BIUD”-Compost are peat, chicken, cattle, and horse manure (depending on a compost kind), vermiculite and other dehumidifying materials. “BIUD”-Compost is free of pathogenic (morbific) microflora, helminths’ eggs, weed seeds, nitrates and nitrites. Compost “BIUD” is used as a fertilizer for all kinds of agricultural, outdoor and indoor plants the whole year round. It may be packed into 5, 6 or 30 litre bags including a picter and all necessary information in Russian and English.
Products for organic farming
Description : Liquid organic fertilizer “BIUD” is a result of manure substratum fermentation in fermenters. It is free of pathogenic (morbific) microflora, helminths’ eggs, weed seeds, nitrates and nitrites, specific fecal odors. It has a positive effect on the plants as soon as added into soil. “BIUD” is used as a fertilizer for all kinds of agricultural, outdoor and indoor plants the whole year round. It is diluted with water and added by injecting, soil watering or foliage spraying. Liquid bioorganic fertilizer “BIUD” has alkalescent medium (pH 7.6-8.2) and reduces soil aicidity. The fertilizer may be packed into 0.8, 5 and 200 litre containers.
Oils for cooking & dressing
Consejo De Agricultura Ecológica De Castilla Y León
Description : soy productor de cereales ecologicos,tengo cebada con algarrobas mezcladas unos 25000 kg, 1000 kg, de garbanzos ecologicos, produzco giraslo,trigo,cebada todo ecologico
Products for organic farming
Description :
Silicium bio-disponible + Oligo éléments

Meilleure assimilation de l\'alimentation/traitements
Protecteur maladies et petits insectes
Excellent anti stress
Amélioration des récoltes : qualité/quantité
Meilleure conservation des récoltes (tomates + 8 jours)
Herbs, spices & condiments
Spices, peppers
Description : We are pioneers in manufacturing and expoting following Certified Organic Peppers and Cardamom.

Organic Black Pepper Powder
Organic Black pepper Whole
Organic White pepper Powder
Organic White Pepper Whole
Organic Cinnamon Powder
Organic Cinnamon Whole
organic cinnamon Chip
Plant base drinks (herb teas, concentrates, elixirs)
Description : We Greenfield Bio Plantations Pvt Ltd a leading manufacturers and expoters of certified organic tea, spice, herbs and fruits.We also hold the following certifications.


our Teas
1.Organic Black Tea
2.Organic Green Tea
3.Organic Flavoured Tea-Earl Tea,Vanilla,etc.,
Fruit & vegetables
Frozen fruit or vegetables
Description : We are organic berries growers. We have a stock of organic frozen IQF blackcurrants, certified by O.I.A. SA.
Non-alcoholic beverages (water, fruit, vegetable juice)
Description : pur jus de fruit biologique. 11 références
Plant base drinks (herb teas, concentrates, elixirs)
Description : Boisson a base de plante et jus de fruit (hibiscus, melisse, anis...) biologique
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