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The “cryptosina” is a complex biological compound, rich in glycosaminoglicans and proteins of several molecular weights with antioxidant and regenerative capacity of the skin that next to other identified active ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Antioxidants, Trace mineral elements and antiproteinases, they would be the responsible for the beneficial effects of repair and regeneration of the skin.
We are in position for providing in a continuous way all the requirements for your Company, as well as all the chemical, biochemical and microbiologic analysis of the slime and all the permits of manufacturing and commercialization in Chile, Europe, Asia and USA.
The “cryptosina” is a complex biological compound, rich in glycosaminoglicans and proteins of several molecular weights with antioxidant and regenerative capacity of the skin that next to other identified active ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Antioxidants, Trace mineral elements and antiproteinases, they would be the responsible for the beneficial effects of repair and regeneration of the skin.
We are in position for providing in a continuous way all the requirements for your Company, as well as all the chemical, biochemical and microbiologic analysis of the slime and all the permits of manufacturing and commercialization in Chile, Europe, Asia and USA.
Las mermeladas Valle deo Taibilla son productos ecologicos de las serranias de Segura y Taibilla en el extremo sur de Castilla la Mancha España. Productos naturales y deliciosos sabores tradicionales.
Botes de cristal de 330 gr
Etiquetas con registro de certificados ecologicos
Precinto de seguridad
Sabores: Frambuesa , Mora, Albaricoque Melocoton