July 2014


Bio Brazil Fair/BIOFACH Latin America and Naturaltech hosted thousands of professionals and the general public, who saw and acquired novelties straight from producers.

The 10th edition of Bio Brazil Fair/BIOFACH Latin America and Naturaltech ended on Saturday, June 7th, at Ibirapuera Park. During the four days of the event, 220 producers, processors and manufacturers presented the best in organic products – in natura and frozen foods, meats, juices, drinks, milk, breads, cosmetics and fashion – and natural products – functional foods, probiotics, wholesome, phytotherapeutic and vegetarian foods, supplements, natural cosmetics and essential oils.

Together, the fairs received 15 thousand visitors, including specialized retailers, supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, gyms, health spas and others, and also final consumers. Additionally to contacts and businesses with these professionals, most stands offered tasting and sold innovations to consumers.

Abdala Jamil Abdala, president of Francal Feiras, evaluates that the events achieved their goal of generating businesses for the organic and natural products sectors. “The trade fairs enabled the direct contact between suppliers and buyers, and enabled sales in large quantities. But not only that. The public also got to know the novelties for a healthier lifestyle, which boosts consumption, generates demand in retail and increases production”.

According to the Project Organics Brazil, developed by the IPD (Institute of Promotion of Development) in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Exports and Investments), the growth in the organics sector in Brazil is estimated at 35%, with a projected turnover of R$ 2 billion.

Natural products – organic and functional foods, naturally healthy, free of fat, sugar, salt, carbohydrates, gluten and lactose – had a turnover of US$ 36,4 billion in Brazil in 2013, according to data of the international survey institute, Euromonitor.

According to Abdala, the growing interest in healthy foods and practices is responsible for boosting these markets. “The trade fairs are a tool, facilitating contact both for consumers and professional buyers. Some of the exhibitors sold their whole stock in four days”.

Comprehensive program

One of the highlights of this edition was the comprehensive technical program, with lectures, meetings and seminars related to the organics sector, to health and wellness, all free and open to the general public.

Once more, Bio Brazil Fair/BIOFACH Latin America staged the International Forum of Organic and Sustainable Agriculture. The meeting brought together the leading players of the sector in Brazil – representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Social Development, Secretariats of Agriculture and the Environment of Sao Paulo, Sebrae, Itaipu Binacional, IBD – and in the world: Andre Leu and Denise Godinho (IFOAM), Toshifumi Ayukawa (Japan Organic & Natural Food Association), Julie Tyrell (Natrue), Matthew Holmes (COTA) and the Brazilian Cauê Suplicy, who presented the successful case of his company Wholesome Valley Foods in the United States. The international lecturers of the Forum were invited by Organics Brazil.

The program of Naturaltech included themes like compounding pharmacies (1st ANFARMAG Meeting), health spas, (3rd Seminar ABC SPAS), aromatology (2nd Meeting of Aromatology) and vegetarianism (7th SVB Seminar). Additionally, on each day, visitors had access to vegetarian cooking classes at the 6th Festival of Vegetarian Cooking.

The next BIOFACH events:

  • BIOFACH, Nürnberg: 11–14 February 2015
  • BIOFACH AMERICA, Baltimore: 18.–20. September 2014
  • BIOFACH INDIA, Kochi: 6–8 November 2014
  • ORGANIC EXPO– together with BIOFACH JAPAN, Tokyo: 20–22 November 2014
  • BIOFACH CHINA, Shanghai: 21–23 May 2015

Contact for press and media;:
Francal Feiras
Sâmia Hannouche
Tel+55 (11) 2226.3100

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