European Seminar on the future of organic food and farming in Bulgaria

Brussels/Sofia 01/04/2008– The CAP Health Check and the European Organic Action plan will be the main topics of a European seminar (1) that is taking place in Plovdiv from April 3 to 4, 2008. To launch the seminar, there will be a press conference in the Agricultural Ministry in Sofia on April 2, 11 am , with presentations from the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, IFOAM EU Group (2) and Agro Link (3).

The press conference will be opened by the deputy minister, Dimiter Peychev. Mrs Viara Stefanova, head of the agri-environmental department, and state officer Milena Nikolova (responsible for organic farming) will give an overview of the future development of organic food and farming in Bulgaria . Marco Schlüter, director of IFOAM EU Group, will present the work of IFOAM EU Group and will outline the subjects to be covered in the seminar. Dr. Svetla Nikolova, chairwoman of Agrolink, will present the perspective of Bulgarian organic stakeholders.

35 national experts from 21 countries will participate in the seminar. It is being organised by the IFOAM EU Group, Agrolink, Agricultural University - Plovdiv with funding from the Europe an Commission (4).

Francis Blake, the president of IFOAM EU group said: “We selected Bulgaria to host the seminar as a new member state where there is big potential for organic agriculture development”.

On Friday, April 4, the seminar conclusions will be presented in a public presentation starting 4 pm at the Agricultural University of Plovdiv. Representatives of the Agricultural Ministry, the University, IFOAM EU Group and the organic farming movement of Bulgaria will be present. All interested stakeholders are invited.

More information:

IFOAM EU Group, phone + 32-2-280 12 23, Fax: +32-2-735 73 81,,

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