SupplyExpo To Debut Alongside Natural Products Expo Europe in 2003

New Hope Natural Media, a division of Penton Media Inc (NYSE: PME) have announced the launch of SupplyExpo Europe.

The two-day event will be co-located at the fourth annual Natural Products Expo, Europe’s leading natural health and nutritional products event, held at The RAI, Amsterdam (June 4-5, 2003).

SupplyExpo is dedicated to product innovation for the European natural health and nutritional products marketplace and will showcase leading international suppliers of raw materials, nutritional ingredients and technologies.

As European consumers demand more nutritional, functional and organic foods and complimentary healthcare products, Europe’s Є48 billion mainstream health and nutrition and core natural product producers are racing to search out dynamic new ingredients and formulas to meet demand from the retail channels. 

SuppyExpo provides a unique opportunity to showcase, under one roof, the very best and cutting edge nutraceutical ingredients and raw materials alongside Europe’s leading finished goods natural product trade show to create Europe’s first complete supply chain event for the health and nutrition marketplace.

Show manager, Katharine Tooby, commented: “Supply Expo provides finished goods manufacturers with the information and sourcing opportunities they need to create successful new product strategies.  Placing it alongside Europe’s leading finished products trade show will help drive product innovation from concept to reality."

While Expo Europe helps manufacturers sell their products to the retail and distribution channel, SupplyExpo helps suppliers sell their ingredients to manufacturers. SupplyExpo adds two new buying audiences to the mix of Expo Europe attendees: mainstream brand marketers and direct brand marketers.

"By bringing an ingredients show together with a finished products show, it provides a unique opportunity for product marketers from the manufacturing, distribution and retail channels to see what’s coming through the labs and to guage the retail and distributor reaction to the latest finished products being sold at the show.  No event in Europe can deliver this truly exciting dynamic under one roof," Ms Tooby added.

Sponsored by Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals magazine, Supply Expo is already attracting some of the biggest names in the mainstream health and nutrition industry.

Kevin Prudence, of Roche Vitamins Europe, who will be exhibiting at Supply Expo, commented: "The concept of a Supply Expo associated or combined with a trade expo is great as it allows the opportunity for all the players in our health and nutrition industry to meet and exchange ideas under a single roof at the same time. "

"I can't think of a more productive way to spend two days", he added.

SupplyExpo expects to attracts Europe’s most senior product formulators and R&D professionals, as well as mainstream nutrition and health product brand marketers and core natural product brand suppliers.  A comprehensive education programme will run alongside SupplyExpo featuring some of Europe’s leading experts in the field.

For more information on exhibiting or attending SupplyExpo, contact Katharine Tooby ( at +44 208-232 1600 Ext. 225.

Or Chris Nicolaides ( at +44 208-232-1600 Ext. 259.

Event Details

Show Date: June 4-5, 2003

Venue: The RAI, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Education/Conference: Wednesday – Thursday

Show Floor: Wednesday – Thursday

All Wex
