Press release :January 2006 SK Food International

- SK Food International announces a new section on its web site created specifically for growers. SK Food International is a licensed and bonded grain buyer and contract producer of beans, grains, seeds, etc. This portion of the company’s web site includes information on SK Food International’s crop production program including grower services/reward programs, crop variety descriptions, and 2005 crop show plot pictures.

Some of the highlighted grower services/reward programs include seed selection, agronomic support/consultation, document assistance, and the Master Farmer Award. “In its inaugural year, the Master Farmer Award is the newest addition to our crop production program, and is designed to reward our contracted growers for their efforts in producing a good quality crop,” notes Jennifer Tesch, SK Food International Marketing Director. She adds, “SK Food International’s success truly starts with our growers and their commitment to quality. This award is another way for us to say ‘thank-you’ to them.”

You also have an opportunity to “meet” Ron Schlecht, SK Food International’s crop production manager, on the updated web site. Schlecht works directly with SK Food International’s network of growers to secure high quality organic and conventional non-GMO commodities.

Another area within the crop production pages directs you to information about SK Food Specialty Processing , SK Food International’s wholly owned subsidiary located in Moorhead , MN . SK Food Specialty Processing provides custom processing and seed conditioning for a wide range of Identity Preserved/Lot Specific Certified Organic and Conventional Non-GMO commodities and planting seed for SK Food International.? “Along with our growers, SK Food Specialty Processing plays a vital role for SK Food International to provide the Best Value - Quality, Service and Price - to our customers as an ingredient supplier,” says Tesch. Tesch explains that the idea to develop grower-specific web pages emerged from a desire to emphasize the crop production aspect of SK Food International’s business.

SK Food International supplies Identity Preserved ingredients including Certified Organic and Conventional Non-GMO soybeans, dry beans, grains, seeds, flours, meals, oils/vinegars, split/dehulled soybeans, and instant powders/flakes.? SK Food International has been a reputable import/export trading company and domestic bulk ingredient supplier since 1990. A family-owned company supported by a staff with more than 100 years of combined industry experience, SK Food International supplies a full line of Identity Preserved food and feed ingredients to a worldwide market. SK Food International’s organic ingredients are certified by globally recognized Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) and Quality Assurance International, Inc. (QAI).

To access these pages, visit and click on the “Grower Information” link.

For more information contact:

SK Food International, Inc.

4749 Amber Valley Parkway, Suite 1

Fargo , ND 58104

Ph. 701-356-4106

Fax 701-356-4102



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