Buy organic Cosmetic products
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We are a 100% Swiss company, our production is third-party controlled, vegan, organic, GMO-free, 100% legal, and compliant with European regulations. We are currently looking for distributors, retailers, and wholesalers to further contribute to the expansion of our brand.
Bioearth solar products are formulated with natural bases made with vegetable ingredients and organic oils. No aggressive preservatives (e.g. Parabens), chemical emulsifi ers (PEGPPG), dyes, perfumes, petroleum derivatives are used. The products are rich in vegetable oils, plant extracts with antifree radical action.
Bioearth has decided NOT to use any petrochemical solvents (PEG/PPG and propylene glycol) in its products. In particular, the Bioearth Sun line is formulated without propylene glycol because, in addition to being of petrochemical origin, it is reasonable to suspect that it may facilitate the absorption of the products at skin level.
Argan oil is often used as a hair treatment. It is extremely beneficial for hair and scalp, and is commonly used as a conditioner.
Vitamin E is extremely beneficial for hair, and is found in argan oil in high quantities. Vitamin E promotes healthy hair growth as it contains antioxidants, which help boost cells and encourage them to produce healthy hair – it has even been used for hair regrowth.
Using Argan Oil as a Shampoo:
Argan oil is often used as a key ingredient in shampoos due to its ability to restore softness, strength and shine to hair. It is an ideal ingredient to search for in a shampoo for anyone suffering from dry, brittle hair or hair damaged by chemicals and coloring.
BIO MISS Natural Argan Oil Shampoo is free from harmful ingredients, free from paraben and free from sulfate.
L'huile d'argan biologique non torréfiée Une ode à la beauté, utilisée inlassablement dans la pure tradition berbère. Une huile issue de l'arganier, arbre emblématique du sud marocain, protégé par l'Unesco. Gorgée d'acides gras insaturés, de vitamine A et E, elle représente un agent restructurant hors pair au pouvoir régénérant et hydratant.
Our organic cotton sanitary pads and pantyliners are made by 100% GOTS certified organic cotton, sanitary pads from many of the best known brands contain something called SAPs, which stands for Super Absorbent Polymers and that is very harmful for the intimate skin health, Leona Brava only uses 100% organic cotton both on the top sheet and also for the absorbent core, the entire product does not contain wood pulp, toxic plastics, and chlorine.
It's also completely plastic free.
Organic cotton is super soft for the skin, highly breathable and hypoallergenic, ideal for the sensitive skin. 99% of women who used Leona Brava sanitary pads reported a decrease in skin irritation.
Une huile sèche multi-usages pour le corps, le visage et les cheveux.
Très riche en
-vitamines A
-Vitamine E
-Acides gras insaturés
-acide oléique
elle nourrit et hydrate la peau et les cheveux en profondeur
Soulage les démangeaisons des peaux sèches,
réduit visiblement l’acné, les vergetures et les cicatrices.
Elle possède la propriété unique de ne pas devenir rance
Odeur de noisettes naturelle. Aucun additif, conservateur ou parfum n’est ajouté.
We have a very nice range of products: creams, salts, mud, shampoo, hair masks, massage oils... for both retail and professional uses.