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Processing, refinement and trading of dehydrated herbs, spices, vegetables, fruits and tea
Our product range includes fresh fruits & Vegetables, Staples, Processed Products, Grocery, Bakery and confectionery. We are the bulk producers of Cashew, Basmati rice, Soyabean, Wheat, Spices and organic ingredients. In order to ensure the consistent quality and availability we have vertically integrated facilities from farm level to finished product. Our products have been well accepted by domestic customers and receiving good response & appreciation from overseas markets under the brand name of “ 24 Lettered Mantra” through our superstores. Sresta’s superstores are India’s 1st and only superstore chain offers exclusive organic range of products.
All our products are sourced from our own / managed farms spread in more than 5000 acres of land across India. The selected farms are monitored closely by our qualified supervisors from soil to sowing to harvesting. The farm grown fresh products are meticulously graded ,cleaned and packed.
Our production practices prohibit the usage of pesticides and chemicals as well as genetically modified organisms ( GMO’s). All our organic projects are certified by SKAL ( Netherlands), ECOCERT ( Germany) and confirm to international organic standards including Euro 2092 / 91 , USA NOP. At the moment we offer more than 500 products to cater the needs of domestic market through our superstores.
We are looking for longterm customers / contractual buyers for our organic commodities in bulk on regular basis. We would like to know your interest on sourcing above products from us.
Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thanks and best regards
Rajsekhar ( “GRS”)
Sresta Natural Bio Products Pvt Ltd,
Sresta house, #7, LIC Colony
Sikh village , Hyderabad, India.
Tel: 091-40-27893028, Fax: 091-40-27893029
What this means to you is our yerba mate has higher natural occurring vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Beyond the natural aspect, we take the extra step of removing all of the sticks, stems and powder. Our product is of the highest quality coming out of South America.
We offer the raw product in bulk as well as tea bags.
We are in the final stages of receiving our Wild Harvest Organic certification. When this is complete, we will have the only Wild Harvest Organic yerba mate in the world.
Made with certified organic ingredients( cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, soy and others)
Packed in small bars of 63g or under request.
25 round tea bags in a silver tin that preserves freshness (5 flavours). Label design by an Indian Artist exclusivly for this brand.
Weikfield Organic - The awarded elegant Design Box
The independent International Quality and Taste Institute ITQI, Brussels, awarded our Weikfield Organic Golden Mango Tea with the Superior Taste Award 2006. Organic Tea in squared tea bags and packed in hermetically sealed sachets to preserve freshness.
Propiedades de los FOS:
-Estimulante del crecimiento de la flora intestinal (prebiótico)
-Libres de calorías, recomendable en dietas de control de peso
-Inhiben el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas (E.Colli, Listeria, Shigella, Salmonella)
-Tolerados por diabéticos e ideal para hipoglucémicos, ya que tiende a regular los niveles de insulina
-No generan caries dentales
-Disminuye los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos
-Aumentan la absorción del calcio y el magnesio
-Facilitan la motilidad intestinal, recomendable para personas que sufren de estreñimiento
-Poder edulcorante 1.5 veces mayor que el azúcar
-No contiene aspartame, fenilalanina, sacarina ni grasa.