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Processing, refinement and trading of dehydrated herbs, spices, vegetables, fruits and tea
What this means to you is our yerba mate has higher natural occurring vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Beyond the natural aspect, we take the extra step of removing all of the sticks, stems and powder. Our product is of the highest quality coming out of South America.
We offer the raw product in bulk as well as tea bags.
We are in the final stages of receiving our Wild Harvest Organic certification. When this is complete, we will have the only Wild Harvest Organic yerba mate in the world.
25 round tea bags in a silver tin that preserves freshness (5 flavours). Label design by an Indian Artist exclusivly for this brand.
Weikfield Organic - The awarded elegant Design Box
The independent International Quality and Taste Institute ITQI, Brussels, awarded our Weikfield Organic Golden Mango Tea with the Superior Taste Award 2006. Organic Tea in squared tea bags and packed in hermetically sealed sachets to preserve freshness.
Propiedades de los FOS:
-Estimulante del crecimiento de la flora intestinal (prebiótico)
-Libres de calorías, recomendable en dietas de control de peso
-Inhiben el crecimiento de bacterias patógenas (E.Colli, Listeria, Shigella, Salmonella)
-Tolerados por diabéticos e ideal para hipoglucémicos, ya que tiende a regular los niveles de insulina
-No generan caries dentales
-Disminuye los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos
-Aumentan la absorción del calcio y el magnesio
-Facilitan la motilidad intestinal, recomendable para personas que sufren de estreñimiento
-Poder edulcorante 1.5 veces mayor que el azúcar
-No contiene aspartame, fenilalanina, sacarina ni grasa.
mail nataliaturriago@gmail.com
Three offers:
1. freshly-harvested dried whole leaves with a fine limonene-citral fragrance, suitable for mono-tea. Harvest time: March/April 2007
2. lemon verbena pressed in blocks of ca. 13 kg, 8000 kg, suitable for processing and teabags
Harvest time: March/April 2007
This lemon verbena is certified as under transition.
3. freshly-harvested dried whole leaves with a very fine citral fragrance, very high quality, suitable for mono-tea
e) OF & G - U.K. f) Bio Terrorism Certification for USA. Our tea comes in enveloped tea bag packs in the following varieties Earl Grey Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Pure Ceylon Tea (Black) and Green Tea. We offer Enveloped Tea bags in pack sizes of 10 tea bags, 25 tea bags and 50 tea bags. We also have Loose Leaf tea Black Tea and Green Tea in 125g pack. Our enveloped string and tag tea bags do not have the Metal Staple. To guarantee 100% Pure Ceylon Tea to our customers, our tea packs are "Tear Tape Sealed" and packed at an ISO 9001:2000 certified factory. We can also supply certified organic black tea and green tea Chinese method and the Japanese Sencha method, in bulk. We also pack under your own private label and can supply Single Estate Teas. We can supply 100% organic tea with Organic Flavor or Natural Flavors - 95/5 rule. Please visit our website: www.organicteacup.com or write to info@organicteacup.com