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Panela is the juice extracted from sugar cane, dehydrated and crystallized only through the process of evaporation. This kind of sugar is neither refined in any way, nor does it undergo any other type of chemical processing (adding of clarifiers, anti-caking agent, etc.)
Panela is very nutritive, conserving all of the vitamins and minerals of the sugar cane. It also dissolves better than blonde and brown sugar due to its particular form of crystals.
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Café biologico tostado Santa Marta Gold 250 grs.
Café biologico tostado Mountain Gold 250 grs.
Café biologico grano Green Beans 250 grs.
Café biologico verde Green Gold 250 grs.
Se presenta en;
bloques 400 grs.
polvo granulado 500 grs.
bolsa polvo 8 grs.
Our alliance agro-industrial mill Corporation is mainly dedicated to sugar cane production and its conversion into sugar and other by products. Its main corporate objective is to maintain a position of leadership in the sugar industry, by offering products and services of an excellent quality. Generally speaking, the sugar mill seeks to balance social and environmental requirements, following the highest ethical and professional principles.
* Organic Whole Cane Sugar
Organoleptic Characteristics
Color: ICUMSA 8.000
Light brown
* Physical Chemical Analysis
Moisture: 2,0 – 4,0%
Brix: 99º
Sucrose:84 – 87%
Polarization (pol): 83 – 86%
We are a Chinese certified organic stevia sugar manufacturer , we have our own stevia plantation farm , in this case we would gurantee the products' organic statue , the stevia sugar is a natural sweetener , which has been used in food , drinkd , medicines in place of other artificial sugars , welcome to contact us .
I am looking forward to hearing from you soo .
with regards,
Scott /
We can provide all their different grades and different varieties.