BioFach India 2010 and India Organic Trade Fair:

Potentials and perspectives for the Indian organic sector

Gerald A. Herrmann, Director of corporate consultant Organic Services, has many years of experience of the international organic market and profound knowledge of the Indian market acquired over the last 10 years. He also toured India many times in his function as President of IFOAM, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, from 2005 to 2008. Together with Ramesh Harve, the founding President of ICCOA, the International Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture, he established Organic Services & Solutions India in 2005. We spoke to him about challenges, perspectives and potentials.

The complete press release and more information & downloads can be found on the following link:

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With best regards from the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg

Your Press Team

Barbara Böck

Ellen Rascher

All Wex
