BioFach China Conference starts countdown for exhibition in May 2007

BioFach China has started off in a promising way. Some 600 interested participants attended the first international BioFach China Conference in the Shanghai Worldfield Convention Center on 1-2 December 2006. The motto of the conference programme was “Organic Market Development in China”, but the speakers also examined the international level and not only domestic organic farming and the development of the Chinese market. The conference discussed the prospects and challenges for Chinese organic raw materials and products on the US market – the most important trading partner at present – and in Europe, where some raw materials are becoming scarce due to the dynamic demand.

The Chinese government is giving more and more attention to the PPP initiative BioFach China, because it has recognized that organic farming can offer a real chance of solving the increasingly acute environmental problems. The promotion of organic farming has been included in the Five-Year Plan under the name of “Concept of Green Growth”.

The complete press release and more information & downloads can be found on the following link:

Thank you for your interest.

With best regards from the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg

Your Press Team

Peter Ottmann

Sarah Schaeffauer-Koers

All Wex
