Greetings from INDOCERT !

INDOCERT was nationally accredited for organic certification as per Indian National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) in October 2002, and ever since, INDOCERT has been making great strides in the expansion of its services. Since February 2005, INDOCERT has also been an EN 45011/ISO 65 accredited certification body approved by DAP, Germany , under the scope EEC Regulation 2092/91 (European Organic Standards) and EUREPGAP (fresh fruits and vegetables). USDA – Agricultural Marketing Services has approved and recognized the ‘India Organic’ seal which can be affixed along with the USDA organic seal on the products and certifications issued by the organic certification bodies accredited by APEDA for products destined for export to the United States . This ensures conformity with technical standards of USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) which authorises INDOCERT to offer certification as per NOP to our operators

EUREPGAP is the fresh produce food standards set by Europe ’s leading food retailers to give their customers more assurance of food safety. Only certified growers can supply to these retailers. As such, many producers see EUREPGAP Certification as a "passport to European market". The EUREPGAPstandard promotes Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) that assures the health safety of the food product, while at the same time takes care of the environment and worker welfare. This also implies reducing the use of agro-chemicals, utilizing the natural resources more efficiently and ensuring worker health and safety. (more details on

INDOCERT is the first and the only Indian certification agency internationally accredited for offering EUREPGAP certification. As all our operations including the certification are done at our office in Aluva, Kerala, the farmer can get the certificate at the earliest. Also our tariff is more competitive for the Indian farmers. As an approved certification body we are a regular and compulsory participant of the EUREPGAP annual workshops, thus are aware of the latest developments in the sector. We also organise trainings programmes on EUREPGAP for GOs, NGOs and small farmers’ groups to create awareness on GAP certification.

I am glad to?share the good news?that INDOCERT is now offering certification for tea based on the EUREPGAP standards. (

We greatly appreciate your valuable support extended to us and look?forward to your continued patronage,

Thanks and best regards,

Mathew Sebastian

Executive Director


Thottumugham P.O.

Aluva 683105, Ernakulam Dist

Kerala, INDIA

Ph/Fax: 0091 484 2620943/ 2630909


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