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Products for organic farming
Description : Fertisuelos ltda is a productor of fertilazer organic and minerals based on you own soils analisys,so that make a product according of what of customer need,also we have standar products.we can produce until 2000 tons per month.but our capacity can by expanded.
Must our products is granuled but have convencional grounded presentation,soluble inmedliatly water contact and licenced registration under colombia agriculture minister based on that especification and law regulations.
see more information on our web
Fruit & vegetables
Dehydrated fruit or vegetables
Description : El aguaje ( Mauritia flexuosa)

es rico en energía, minerales, proteína y vitaminas (contenido en 100g: calorías 526, proteína 11.0%, grasa 38.6%, carbohidratos 46.0%, fibra 41.9%, ceniza 4.4%, calcio 415.4 mg, fósforo 69.9 mg, tiamina 0.11 mg, niacina 2.57 mg y riboflavina 0.85 mg
UTILIDAD: La pulpa de aguaje deshidratado, es utilizado como: base para hacer bebidas (aguajina) y helados; como ingrediente energetizante delicioso en repostería y néctares; como suplemento vitamínico para prevenir la deficiencia de vitamina A en los niños con edades entre tres y medio y doce años. Un tratamiento de 20 días es suficiente para eliminar los síntomas de hipovitaminosis A.; en la preparación del mucílago de aguaje, para ser usado como espesante en la industria de alimentos y para la fabricación de jaleas
Fruit & vegetables
Exotic fruit and vegetables
Description :
El camu Camu (dubia de Myrciaria)

La fruta de Camu-camu tiene la cantidad registrada más alta de vitamina C natural sabida en el planeta. Las naranjas proporcionan vitamina C de 500-4.000 PPM, o el ácido ascórbico; el Camu-camu proporciona hasta 500.000 PPM, o cerca de 2 gramos de vitamina C por 100 gramos de fruta. Con respecto a naranjas, el camu-camu proporciona treinta por más vitamina C, diez por más hierro, tres por más niacin, dos veces m?as riboflavina, y el 50% más fósforo. Camu-camu es también una fuente significativa del potasio, proporcionando el magnesio 711 por el kilogramo de fruta. También tiene un complemento completo de los minerales y de los aminoácidos que pueden ayudar en la absorción de la vitamina C.

UTILIDAD: EL FRUTO puede ser utilizado como jugo, para hacer la mermelada y para condimentar el caramelo o los postres congelados, en Japón, se incluye en multivitaminas y bebidas de deportes.
EN MEDICINA, las frutas maduras del camu-camu se pelan y se hacen jugo, entonces se seca en un polvo coloreado tannish. Los porcentajes significativos del contenido de la vitamina C pueden ser perdidos si el polvo se expone al calor o a la luz o si se almacena por períodos más de largo que un año. Por su alto contenido de vitamina C, se le reconoce como limpiador de gran alcance del radical antioxidante libre, alimenta la piel, estimula la regeneración del tejido fino y calma la piel manchada. También apoya firmeza y elasticidad de la piel.

Fortalece y mantiene el sistema inmunológico.

Promueve la energía y la vitalidad de las personas con disfunción crónica inmunológica.

Previene el cáncer y enfermedades del corazón.

Revitaliza el sistema nervioso.

Desintoxica el cuerpo.

Previene el estres.

Promueve una buena saluddel corazón y el sistema circulatorio.

Promueve la absorción de nutrientes (incluido el hierro) en el sistema digestivo.

Fundamental para la producción de esperma
Fruit & vegetables
Other fruit & vegetables
Description : ORGANIC:Forest Fruits, wild mushrooms, herbs,(fresh, frozen IQF, dried,pulp)
1.Forest fruit:Blueberry, Blackberry, Rospberry, Mulberry, Wild apple, Rose hips
2.Mushrooms:Morchella conica,Cantharellus cibarius,Boletus edulis,Marasmius oreades,Cratarellus cornucopiodies,Hudnum repandum,Lactarius deliciosus, Suillus luteus,Suillus granulatus,Amanita caesarea , Calocybe gambosa
3.Herbs:Matricaria chamomilla L.,Timus silvester
Hupericum perforatum,Origani vulgaris
4. Pasteurizated produkts:Kompots, marmalades, james, sirups of forest fruit.
Sugar & honey products
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Other sugar & honey products
Description : Agave Premium Light
Agave Standard Light
Agave Premium Dark
Agave Premium Light

Yacon Syrup
Raw materials & supplements
Description : Vanilla Beans
Pure Ground Vanilla Bean Powder
Oils for cooking & dressing
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Other oils for cooking & dressing
Description : Brazil Nut Oil
Oils for cooking & dressing
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Description : Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Herbs, spices & condiments
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Olives, capers
Description : Sun Dried Black Botija Pitted Olives
Dietetic & health foods
California Certified Organic Farmers (ccof)
Food supplements
Description : Maca Premium, Maca Standard and Red Maca Powder
Sugar & honey products
Honey, royal jelly, bee hive products
Description : Dear Sir/Madam

We are a company based in Brazil and have organic propolis for sale. If you have any interest in our line, feel free to contact us through e-mail or even skype.


José de Souza
skype josemssouza
Cosmetic products
other Cosmetic products
Description : Our job is to provide you with quality skin care products which are safe and naturally produced. With over 48 years of industry knowledge our team of bio-chemists, pharmacists, biologists, and herbalists have been able to develop high quality natural aromatherapy skin care products which are both safe to use and effective at providing you with radiant healthy skin. Through our on line ordering we deliver our skin care products to customers all around the world.

Y-Not skin care products have become so trusted by international consumers as being the skin care range of choice, that many individuals are convinced that Y-Not is a local brand delivering skin care for local conditions! This is something that Y-Not regards as a great compliment. Y-Not means one thing – Gentle, Safe and Natural Skin Care.

With our dermatological expertise we have the ability to offer high quality skin care products at an affordable price to take care of you and your family. Our aim is to improve the health and well being of people all around the world through sin care products that are so natural you would think that they were made by Mother Nature herself.

Y-Not was founded in 2003 to meet the needs of consumers who wanted skin care products which they could truly trust so that they know exactly what they are putting on their skin. Many companies claim to tell you what they put into their products with consumers only to find that there are hidden ingredients which pollute and denigrate the skin. Y-Not prides itself on becoming a market leader in skin care because of their honest and reliable approach to giving you exactly what you want – Natural Beauty.

Y-Not continually strives to exercise integrity beyond reproach and to provide quality skin care products through multi-disciplinary research which will meet all of the skin care requirements of you and your family. Our quality Australian laboratory embraces the Quality Assurance principles as detailed in ISO9001:2000 so that you can be guaranteed of safe and effective skin care.

To find out more visit:
Oils for cooking & dressing
Other oils for cooking & dressing
Description : Also sell coconut oil - edible in bulk and for soap lotion making.
Cosmetic products
Australian Certified Organic
Body care
Description : Manufacture a wide range of completely organic body lotions, liquid soaps, and soap bars/blocks.
Fruit & vegetables
Fresh fruit
Description : IFOAM, 2005

toronja orgànica, en red de 16 toronjas,
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