Building Sustainable Supply Networks

Some of the leading organisations involved in eco-labels and sustainability in the food industry will congregate at the Sustainable Foods Summit, taking place in Amsterdam on June 10-11th.

The second edition of this executive summit focuses on sustainable supply chains, with key topics covering ethical partnerships, traceability, roundtables, distribution, marketing and ethical consumerism. Case studies are given of companies that have successfully and legitimately met the sustainability challenges. More details

Since fair trade is intricately linked to ethical sourcing, fair trade is a key theme of the summit. Fair trade is the fastest growing sector of the global eco-labelled foods market, with sales of certified products increasing by almost USD 1 billion a year. The summit assesses the future growth potential, examines key industry issues and shares best-practices from pioneering companies.

Like previous events organised by Organic Monitor, the Sustainable Foods Summit will bring together key stake-holders in the food industry that include food manufacturers, ingredient & raw material suppliers, retailers & distributors, industry organisations & certification agencies, researchers & academics, investors, etc.

To download the conference programme, please click here
